Cardfight!! Vanguard > CF!!V Discussion

Standard Fighting Rules and Card rulings

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I have an interesting ruling question. In vanguard, you decide which order AUTO skills activate in if all costs of activation have been met. My question is, if I breakride Scarlet Witch, CoCo on top of Hexagonal Magus, can I use CoCo's skill first, then the skill of the breakride afterwards?


--- Quote from: Mashiro on September 17, 2014, 04:52:19 AM ---I have an interesting ruling question. In vanguard, you decide which order AUTO skills activate in if all costs of activation have been met. My question is, if I breakride Scarlet Witch, CoCo on top of Hexagonal Magus, can I use CoCo's skill first, then the skill of the breakride afterwards?

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Yes you can use CoCo's skill first and then Hexagonal's Break Ride skill. A good example of a scenario like this is riding Silver Fang Wolf, Garmore over Solitary Liberator, Gancelot and using Garmore's skill to Superior Call first. Then you can distribute +5000 to units, and this includes the unit you just called.

A small thing to add would be that a unit can attack something even if the attacking unit's Power is less than the unit being attacked.

I've had way too many problems with people saying I can't attack when my power is less.....



--- Quote from: hakuginnozero on September 17, 2014, 11:08:03 AM ---A small thing to add would be that a unit can attack something even if the attacking unit's Power is less than the unit being attacked.

I've had way too many problems with people saying I can't attack when my power is less.....


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kk i will add it poor you all AqF user who had to go through it

[ER] Patrickzzz:
Things that might be useful to add:
- You can discard 1 card and do a Perfect Guard when it comes on a quintet wall.
- Despite what many people say Mana skill is not mandatory.
- The mate doesn't count as a 1 unit attacked on knuckle buster skill, since you don't attack mates.


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