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Topic: Creative resources. (Read 7131 times)
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Doctor Who
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Creative resources.
October 08, 2014, 04:45:27 PM »
Hello there. Before I am going to insult some artists, I want you to know that this topic is dedicated to resources for graphic artists. Also you can post here your work for show to some reccomendations abotu how to work on something.
Now to the insults. I am tired of seeing bad fields. Some people think that if they will stick together two playmats that wered destined for the use for real lief (same or different) they are some cool artists. Well you are not. I dedicate this forum solely for resources. I am not a great nor expert designer but since that playmat is supposed to be used by a simple user (me being among those users), I think I have a saying in this.
So, what you need to create a
good field.
First of all you need unity. In the link below there is a project that has all the circles with an outer glow effect (thanks Kira for the field.) It has all the basic elements of the field but it doesn't the small lines that you see between the circles. Click the
to download.
As for how to use it, it is quite simple. Find an image that you like. It is prefferable to be either big or poster size.
Before we are going to the next step, I want you to know that the result of this step can be achieved in many ways. I just do it like this because for me it offer a better quality.
Now, after you download the image, open it in Photoshop separately. First use Ctrl+A to select all and after use CTRL+C to copy it. Now go back to the field and create a new layer and move it to the bottom. On that layer paste the image that you chose as a background. If you to resize it or rotate it or just move a little bit, use Ctrl+T. After you finished, double click on the layer. After that, save the image in your area folder and voila, you have a simple field.
This is just a simple field. After some practice with this, you will be able to create more complicated and beatiful playmats.
You will need Photoshop to view and work with this. You can say that this was made by me and UnknownKira (he kind of got me the circles, I just arranged them to fit the area field.)
Ren «Я»
Legendary Person
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Re: Creative resources.
Reply #1 on:
October 08, 2014, 04:53:10 PM »
Now people can actually make real mats. lol (With the whole circle issue , etc.) Not bad ones. So I can say I find this post actually useful.
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