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Screw the ban! Nick In HD's cutting interview!

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maybe it is late but i noticed that dev always makes his Chat Posts so Long, tho not saying thats a bad Thing it might actually be pretty useful to be able put many sentences at once in a single post

Ren «Я»:

--- Quote from: lucius on October 16, 2014, 03:58:41 PM ---maybe it is late but i noticed that dev always makes his Chat Posts so Long, tho not saying thats a bad Thing it might actually be pretty useful to be able put many sentences at once in a single post

--- End quote ---

Well I'm pretty sure Devour does that so it prevents spam , etc Easier to just say what u wanna say into one post on chat then have it being into 5 different ones. ( I'm guilty for that lol I'll admit but I won't do that anymore.)


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