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Cardfight Area 1.68

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- Added G Zone.
For that reason the deck-loading code part was rewritten (you dont need details on it).
During the game cards in G Zone can be face-up and face-down. In the beginning of the game they are all face-down. You can turn card in G Zone face-up by right-clicking it.
For convenience a small menu was created, when you can see all face-up card in your or your opponent's G Zones.
To enter G Zone you need to click red circle near main deck. You cant open an opponent's G Zone, and you cant even be sure, he have cards in it. All you can see there is his face-up cards.

- Added Stride summon mechanics.
To perform Stride, choose your card in G Zone, then click on your vanguard - instead of "Ride" button there will be "Stride" button.
G-units gets power of Hearts - it's automatic. If your vanguard was in legion, your G-unit will get power from your legion performer (card with ACT [V]: Legion) so if you wanna take power from his mate, correct numbers manually.
When you enter end phase, your G-unit will return to your G Zone.
If you'll try to put your G-unit into main deck, it will return on top of your G Zone instead.
When G-unit is on your vanguard circle, you cannot Ride or preform legion.

- Added RFG (Remove from Game) zone.
To save some client space, this zone is shared by both players. Yes, you can steal your opponent's card from there :3

- Info about all units original power is now stored into separate files in the game folder. Because of it, you may experience better perfomance.

- RAM is now cleared from big card's images when you leave deck editor or fight. We are testing this feature.

- All cards now have same font size.

New cards: G Booster Set 1: Generation Stride
G Trial Deck 1: Awakening Of The Interdimensional Dragon
G Trial Deck 2: Divine Swordsman of the Shiny Star

Sleeves pool:



Tsurugi kyousuki:
thank you very much

[ER] Patrickzzz:


EDIT: Miracle Element, Atmos is missing.

Relic Master and Tiger has their art exchanged lol thanks for the update, but having so many good quality pics on the wikia i don't get why they had to use the shitty ones =/


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