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Gonna do this step by step1) Open up where you have the game saved.2) Look for a folder that says card sprite3) Open that folder4) right click an image in that folder5) click properties6) click on the details tab in properties7) in the details tab you should see the size of the image for example it will say 300X420 for the image size.8 ) Write down this size so you can remember it9) Find the card you want to replace and write down its file name which should begin with the letter n followed by a number10) write down the file name so you can remember it11) choose an image you want to replace the card you selected12) Save the image on your computer13) right click the image and scroll to open with and select paint14) in paint select resize15) in resize select the pixels tab and uncheck the aspect ratio box 16) for horizontal use the left side of the x in the measurements you wrote down for the size of the file17) for vertical use the right18) save this newly edited image under the file name you wrote down.19) drag this new image into the card sprite folder you got the original images specifications from.20) click replace the image if prompted21) repeat steps 3-20 for cardspriteMini and cardspriteMini2hope this helps ^^. Sry if it was too detailed but wanted it to be simple to follow.