Buddyfight > FCB Discussion

Standard Fighting rules and Card Rulings BF Section

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If I may clarify on Hunter's ruling on monster abilities and "costs", since this tends to come up a lot I've noticed and I'd like to have this here for reference.
For certain abilities such as Asmodai's "Dangerous Backdrop" and Jackknife Thunderstorm's "Thunder Raid", note that the abilities state that "you MAY discard/pay 2 life". In regards to this wording, when using such abilities, you would declare the use of the ability along with a target, and then determine if your opponent has a response to your move. Should they not have one, you can continue as normal, However should they have a Counter such as Dragobond, upon resolution of your ability, you may chose whether or not to pay for the ability (discard/ 2 life) Should you not, the ability wont properly resolve, but at least you would save some resources.


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