Buddyfight > Requests

A Minor Thing!


The simulator is awesome!  I've tried several others, but this one is BY FAR the best.  Wish I was any good with programming, but I'm about as good at that as I am at Vanguard (hopefully I'm better at Buddyfight)!

A tiny thing that I've noticed with some friends of mine; the card Dragon Seal's soul should be closed, while on the Sim it's marked as open. Not a major thing, a friend of mine uses Shinobi Scrolls as a proxy since it's got closed soul, but it'd be nice to be fixed!

I know it's a very minor thing, but hopefully that means it's a quick and easy fix!  If there is anything I might be able to help with, though I can't imagine there would be, please don't hesitate to inbox me!  I'd really like to see this buddyfight simulator thrive, it's so far along already!

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Nyash will see, what can he do about it in future versions.


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