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Lets Talk About GranBlue


Welp here i go again  8)
So i want to talk abt GranBlue the basic combos can be built up with negrobolt and noir
but the problem is this clan has no finisher that can actually put pressure for my opp to guard
well Granblue does not even have a stride unit yet so usually u cannot finish off ur opp and u just deck out  >:(
So can we discuss how we can solve this main problem for Granblue it cannot finish the opp properly execpt just sacking

They have access to Atmos and Harmonics.

Noir has no finishing power. Negrobolt acts as a pseudo-Stand Trigger for Counterblast 1. In addition to that, Negrobolt has the all important three thousand boost. It's nothing flashy, but it's plenty a finisher/pressure card.

If you have a problem with Decking Out, you may need to consider control over your milling better. Or toss out Draw Triggers, since you're better trying Stands or 12 Critical.

They'll get their G-Support eventually. For now, they can finish their opponents normally. The problem is having no real burst power beyond the Vanguard circle.

if u want to end game then just break ride nìghtmist with witch then legion :v 33k no boost is good :3 grandblue isnot famous for power but card advantage in hand after all :3

Well thx guys for ur help cherry ill try to control my mills better ;D
And i run 12c im trying all sorts of combinations and GranBlue is rlly a cool clan to use and enjoy


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