Buddyfight > FCB Discussion

Why is Buddyfight si inferior to Vanguard


Now before I start I Ain't hating on Any TCG because we all have our likes and dislikes and I use inferior as in less popular.
My point is Buddyfight is good too and I would like to see some support for it as well from you guys who like Buddyfight to increase it's community here on Area

If anything, it's the cringe-inducing anime that kills its popularity. Beyond that, the game is surprisingly growing more balanced than Vanguard. Dragon Worlds are still stupid, but the game is more creative, and more casual friendly than Vanguard. I only wish we had gotten this client sooner, and I also wish it'd get more consistent updates.

I wouldn't use the word "inferior" as a replacement for "less popular".

Haha I have to agree with Cherry the anime itself kills its popularity. As far as increasing the community on Area, we do need more consistent updates, I have recently(A few other people I know also) stop playing Buddyfight Area do to the lack of updates, and the community will not increase if it continues like this.

Magus TSS:
I honestly consider the anime at times better then the vanguard anime because it's bad in a good way. The card game does have skill to it more then vanguard does. I think the main reason is just people just hate Gao Spoilerfor being too good as he wins every game with no loses.
I do agree with Cherry. Anime does hurt it a lot. Also the script for Buddyfight isn't the best in the world. At times you want to cringe at it. But it has it's good moments.


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