Battle area > Grade System Event Version 2
(GS3) Field: Forest
She shook herself at the sound of her phone recieving a text, and checked it. 'Hana wants to meet up, hmm'. 'Why not'.
'Sure, I'll be there soon, might take a small while because I'm in the forest right now though~'
With that she got up off the tree, and started walking towards the shopping district, stopping briefly to wave to Yukino, Satoshi and Neo. 'At least walking will also wake me up a bit' she thought, on her way to the exit of the forest.
Neo saw Miyuki waving to him so he waved back and continued to listen in on Satoshi and Yukino.
"Origin Mage, IIdonna", Yukino spoke. "That was the Limit Break of the deck. It's probably not the rift giving them limit breaks, as Ezel explained there's some isolated Royal Paladin who refuse to leave something about a Realm of Gods. And there's some leftover Shadow Paladin following the Mage. This wouldn't explain why the clans are unplayable on Earth, so that itself is probably the Rift's fault."
The droning annoyance in Yugure's voice was more than present, not wanting to talk or think about Neu. Like everything, however, she didn't have a choice. They didn't know Kagero's situation, however. Or even Bermuda Triangle's if Neu got her paws on that too. The queen would like a look into this "realm of the gods" though, as it's something not even Alfred informed his vanguard of. With a sigh, she checked her phone so the message would be noted as read. She didn't even notice Miyuki...
"The rift?!" Neo said to himself
"It was the mission that Anjaro talked about" Neo said to himself
Neo continued listening
"'Realm of the Gods'?" Satoshi racked his brain, thinking if Seph had said anything about it. Nope, not to his knowledge. Might've been a fable of Cray or something, though.
The annoyance in Yukino's voice was really starting to get to him, though. He wanted to be able to help her, but acting like pushing away wasn't going to get her her avatars back any time soon.
It occurred to him that he never got to tell her about what happened at PSY Shop, so he leaned against the same tree she did. He flipped open his deck box and handed her Muse. "So I never got to tell you or Haruka, but this happened at PSY Shop, before we all went together. She's been pretty useful." He ran his fingers through his hair. "At least lets me keep up with you two."
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