Battle area > Grade System Event Version 2
(GS3) Field: Hoshiko High School
Hana was over in the school yard, fiddling with her phone at the start of break which. It apparently updated itself mid-class and and had all sorts of weird features now. It was also going much slower and buttons were all over the place. Her muscle mempry led her to move her fingers where the old buttons were and using this phone was now getting frustrating for her pverall. Dumb update. First world problems.
It's been silent though. Calming.
Breaaaaaaaak tiiiiiiiiiimeeeee!
Haruka flew out of the classroom, not wasting a second to disappear from the conglomerate of actual no-nothings. Upon reaching the courtyard with his briefcase, he caught glimpse of Miss Hana Espoir. Or Isabella Hope. Haruka addressed her as the former, Sera went with the latter as of recently...
Sera really liked her album.
Man, what did I tell you?
She's my friend too, you know...
Haruka shook his head in disappointment at Sera's awkwardness. He was truly a high school boy at heart. Cute.
"I'm sorry." The phone spoke.
"Oh my gee, I was just trying to get to the homescreen!" She scratched her head.
"Okay, there are 3 window stores near you."
"N-..." Press more buttons, less speaking.
The phone decided to play loud emo music back from when she was going through her goth phase. She frantically tried to turn it off. "Ohayou!" She waved nervously over to Seruka, pressing buttons on her phone as it played the most depressing song in the world.
Emo idol phase was cringe-worthy.
She's so kawaii...
You're actually trash.
"What's uh, up? Your phone giving you trouble?" Haruka caught on to the frantic spam of buttons and was curious as to what was going on. Haruka wasn't usually too perceptive, but Sera pointed it out when her emo trash started playing. Sera was sort of into it, but probably only because Hana even had it in the first place. God Sera is actually the trash child Haruka never wanted, but got stuck with anyways.
Sera mentally pouted.
"Yep! This is trash, I should ask manager-San if I can get a new one." Nervous laughter. With hopeful eyes she looked upon her phone as the music finally stopped.
"Now texting Manager-san. The following message: "You are trash." Sending.'
"Message sent."
Despair. This was the end of the world. Her idol career is over. In a fraction of a second, her phone vibrated with a text message notification. She decided to slip her phone back into her pocket. Enough for today.
"Hmmm.. so how's world domination? At least school is back. That's both good... and bad." Darn homework. The cherry blossom perfume that she bought on the way here today smells nice. Walking air freshner.
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