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Riddle Me This


Has anyone created a serious non-Chronojet deck? Like actually sat down and said: "I'ma make me a Gear Chronicle deck without a single Chronojet Dragon." Now hear me out before you Rigid Breakthrough into Gale Soul-Combo Punch me literally into next week, Gear Chronicle have a bunch of interesting cards that I feel normally get overlooked. When I made a Gear Chronicle deck, it used Nixie Number and what I call Pinpoint Spins as just a way to trigger Nixie or any other that requires an opponent's unit to be send flying beyond time and space to work. Forethought Gearfox to me is a very sneaky Silent Tom and in a straight meltdown pressure build can mean business. So the question is: What is it about Chronojet that makes him trump the rest of the clan? Is it convenience...or his Stride Fusion, Nextage and the blood pumping adrenaline rush of the...well...rush?
Let me know what you guys think :3

People have tried to make a non-Chronojet deck, obviously. The issue is that Chronojet does everything basically the legions do or any other boss does for one measly counterblast on stride or the guard restrict that is it's gb2. Does more more for less. The other thing is that a good deal of the best strides like Nextage, Upheaval, even Metallica require him as a heart card. So in a stride-based clan, the best choice to obviously to go for the guy that gives you access to all the best strides and rewards you for doing so.

What makes Chronojet the trump is that there's just simply more support for him and the card itself outclasses other bosses that are in the rest of the clan. While someone can argue that Chronoscommand along with Gear Eagle could make a nice time leap build eith how it searches stuff out, Metallica Phoenix can unflip a chronoscommand with it's skill, making revolution really good by turn 2.

Nextage is also bork psuedo sorta kinda restander with a glory skill on 2nd attack and the comeback win power of a main protagonist. If you don't run Chronojet, you lock yourself out of the opportunity and that's a big nono.

I like Time Leap. Almost bought the new GC deck just cause of it lol
Also I guess you can't blame people for using the only boss in the clan. Its like if ALL of Novas new G stuff required a Victor on VG @~@
...That would realllllly suck if ALL the other clans got the GC Chronojet treatment lmao
Like fuuuuuu x__x


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