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Cardfight Area 1.84

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They don't owe it to you to update or anything. This is all a free service out of good will. There's no right to complain about slow updates or so.


--- Quote from: Sandy on May 07, 2016, 05:25:44 PM ---Secondly, Shockwave, you told me you weren't even sure you were going to add them in the first place, did I ask for them to be implemented now? No. Did I demand? Oh heavens no. So if you're going to shift the blame onto someone I don't see why me making sleeves MADE you have to delay the game anymore because YOU wanted to add them. Thanks!

PS: I'm not even apparently getting ANY of the sleeves I made, in game, so why would I want to rush their implementation anyways?

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Please, I dont want to blame anyone, it is just a funny coincidence. People wanted me to tell them the state of the update, so Im telling. Nothing more.


--- Quote from: -shockwave- on May 07, 2016, 05:36:45 PM ---
--- Quote from: Sandy on May 07, 2016, 05:25:44 PM ---Secondly, Shockwave, you told me you weren't even sure you were going to add them in the first place, did I ask for them to be implemented now? No. Did I demand? Oh heavens no. So if you're going to shift the blame onto someone I don't see why me making sleeves MADE you have to delay the game anymore because YOU wanted to add them. Thanks!

PS: I'm not even apparently getting ANY of the sleeves I made, in game, so why would I want to rush their implementation anyways?

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Please, I dont want to blame anyone, it is just a funny coincidence. People wanted me to tell them the state of the update, so Im telling. Nothing more.

--- End quote ---
I find this hilarious... But yea I agree with "NubKnightz" No one should really complain about it considering it is free to everyone, would I like faster updates, yes,  do I have the right to complain, yes, but its kind of selfish that people complaining about something that is free.

That’s just like punching someone in the face for giving you $1000.

I complain about area not updating too but ya know just don’t forget it’s a free service to the community and don’t be self-obsessed about it.

Seriously, will everyone quit bitching about when the update is coming out? Please? Okay, there's delays and shit but now we have a release date:Tomorrow, fucking tomorrow. Now everyone can calm down, wait patiently for people who take time out of their lives to provide area for us...For FREE. You know, the game you so eagerly await updated? These Russian dudes got lives too, it's almost as if some people think that they sit on their arses all day working on this game, which is free for us to use as they don't charge, instead of them having lives.

Point to take away? we might get the update tomorrow, so stop bitching.

Did I mention we get area for free yet?

Also, I'm English, so I wont apologize for my language.

but on the sleeves thing, I'd happily pay £5 for Shinsuke Nakamura sleeves in the next update (1.86)


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