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Cardfight Area Spring Fest 2016
Good Evening fellow Vanguard players! We gather here today on Cardfight Area in order to celebrate, have fun, and show our superiority over our fellow vanguard players lel. We all know that vangaurd has greatly changed overtime to be more competitive, but vanguard was originally created to bring people together, and have fun. This year Spring Fest the Goal is to have as much fun as possible making new friends, fighting against different play styles, and learning the very essence of vanguard. "Stand up" Vanguard!
Festivities ;D
The Spring Fest will start Monday, March 21st,2016 12:00am GMT-6, and will end Monday, March 28th, 2016, 12:00am GMT-6. I will be hosting tournaments, competitions, and even some quests throughout the week for everyone to enjoy. This page will be updated regularly during the start of the fest so make sure your always checking xD
The Chatango will be used all Tournaments, and there may be a special prize for people who to throughtout tournaments.
Quest1: The first person to sign up for first tournament will receive one sleeve of there choice. Notify me by using this page.
Quest 2: Reach over 270k with One who is Abhorrent Gilles de Ras. You must provide a replay in which you have stated you are doing the quest. If the match does not look like it was serious you will not receive sleeves. [2 Sleeves]
Quest 3: Defeat someone without taking more then 3 damage. Please provide a replay(Which you must state you are doing the quest), and if the match does not look serious you will not receive sleeves. [1 Sleeve]
Quest 4: Defeat Ren[R] Ripples in a 2/3. You cannot use Link Joker, and Ren[R] will confirm if you have completed the quest. The matches are single mulligan. If anyone disconnects its up to the opponent to decide if they wanna take win or not. [2 sleeves]
Quest 5: Win a card fight using Entrangers, provide a replay, and state your are doing the quest in it. You can only use triggers from one clan, and the starting vg must be a entranger lel. [1 sleeve]
These quest can only be completed one time by one person. The completion should be posted on this page.
GMT-6 Time Clock:
The Forum Rules/Tournament Section Rules should be followed at all cost, if not stated otherwise in this topic.
Forum Rules:,1689.0.html
Tournament Section Rules:,1691.0.html
If a person causes drama, interrupt, or distract my participants or me in a way that will not allow me to complete the tournament in a timely fashion they will receive WP. If you have any question please PM.
[R.T] SpiderHunterMD:
Could you define what you mean by compitetions, are they going to be fight restricted or be like Creative ones?
Go go Mixed Clan Fight! Which actually gives me an idea in terms of a fun Fight Format....
--- Quote from: [R.T] SpiderHunterMD on March 17, 2016, 01:06:39 PM ---Could you define what you mean by compitetions, are they going to be fight restricted or be like Creative ones?
--- End quote ---
I haven't really decided yet, if i decide to do any.
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