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Regarding G-Guardians, feverish testing against others and rethinking the game, my question to you cardfight peeps is this:
Can Megablast units become relevent once more? Using Legion to recycle the low number Megablast units and GGuards to pick up the slack.

I hope i dun did good but instead of making a new topic I posted in one regarding to my question/ suggestion :D #cherrychan

Magus TSS:

--- Quote from: Duive on April 23, 2016, 07:46:27 PM ---
Regarding G-Guardians, feverish testing against others and rethinking the game, my question to you cardfight peeps is this:
Can Megablast units become relevent once more? Using Legion to recycle the low number Megablast units and GGuards to pick up the slack.

I hope i dun did good but instead of making a new topic I posted in one regarding to my question/ suggestion :D #cherrychan

--- End quote ---

Sadly I don't think they will ever really be good again. I could potentially see Stil Vampir making a small return as it would completely stop g-guard in it's entirely for the one turn you use it if you manage preserve counterblast well and if your opponent leaves a grade 0 on board well good luck to your opponent. It could make a great tech but i wouldn't rely on it since a lot of DI's cards kinda want 10-15 soul now.

After that there's CEO Amaterasu who is sadly the only other potentially viable megablast option mostly due to her legion but it just gets guarded easier thanks to g-guardian and even should you get it off there is no guarantee you draw anything to save you from the next turn since odds are you will get really unlucky using it and draw nothing you would need and even if you do get lucky it's set up issues before hand are far higher giving you even less space to work with since the best way to even get the soul is use Tsukuyomi's ride chain and that's still only 5 of the 8 soul you need 6 if you get 1 Psychic Bird. Your most likely Striding every turn so no soul charge with CEO skill. Striding on top of Sussano and/or even striding into Takemikazuchi twice eventually get the same or even better pay offs for your counterblast since you can use your soul for other cards then waiting for the soul and counterblast requirement to kick in and praying for Ceo's On hit to hit. I can't see any other Megablast units outside of those 2 having any chance right now and even then I would only consider trying Stil.


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