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Double Teaming

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Cipher Izanagi:
While I greatly respect what you just wrote, because you're the only one that's come closest to dissuading any arguments I could of had, there's one issue I have.

"Right now, people have absolutely no reason to believe in their team, bond with their team or do anything of that nature with multi teaming allowed, the team system is not only about team battling 24/7, it also has the meaning of bonding with your fellow members and fighting alongside each other."

In some cases you may very well be correct about this. But I trust each member of my team, be it the ones that are multi teaming or the ones who are solely devoted to HB. I've been a part of more than one team at the same time as well and developed bonds with each member of every team. I fight alongside them, and I personally chose not to fight for either team unless one side didn't have enough due to life issues. So if someone like me, who'd rather just watch everyone burn, can do it everyone can. Next...

"The way i see it, the only ones that benefit from double teaming are TB crazed beasts who don't really care on which team they are in at all, and therefore i consider double teaming to promote selfish behavior in a team setting which is practically unthinkable (and before someone tries to correct me and say that double teaming is promoting team bonds,please stop fooling yourself, teams with no individuality have no reasons or incentives to actually bond with each other)."

Your opinion and stance is respected as I said before. And I understand what you mean. However, the issue about TB crazed beasts doesn't necessarily prove or disprove that multi teaming is cancerous to the community. If anything, it addresses the issue of the players themselves and their habits. Also, since you're going there, you can stop fooling yourself that someone CAN'T prove you wrong. As I mentioned earlier, I had no issues bonding with team mates when I was on multiple teams. And AGAIN, if I can do it, everyone can. The greed part and "tb crazed beast" parts also again, don't do much for your argument other than point out flaws with players themselves rather than the system as a whole.

"My second point has to do with the trouble of some teams getting members and the way the community itself closed its borders to new blood. There are tons of people in the starting area that cardfight each other everyday, and most of them have no idea about the forum or anything team related, but why don't we as a community get them into the forum and teams? Well the answer is simple. It's because we actually choose not to do it, almost every single team classifies those players as "randoms" and never gives them a chance or introduction to the team system. We as a community are small because we are shutting ourselves down, often forgetting that we were once in their shoes as random players on area, playing the game we all know and love."

FINALLY, someone addressed this issue. Yes, the community is small thanks in part to how the community itself treats "randoms". You're not wrong, as we were all "randoms" at one point. Teams looking for new blood could very well look at the starting area and find new members. But that also implies that they WANT to be a part of this community. So it's good that you brought it up as a point, but that's ultimately a failure on this community's part as a whole, myself included.

I'm also going to say this, everyone here that has voted for banning Double Teaming/Multi Teaming has mentioned pretty much the same things constantly, instead of actually mentioning how it could be actually cancerous to the community as a whole. There's always two sides to an argument, and I still want everyone to actually come to a consensus that actually helps everyone, instead of shafting people. You can't enforce this, and if I'm getting annoying with it sorry. Finally got committed to the community and all I've seen is just hate wars, and the like. I want us to come together as a family and not as a bunch of middle school brats.

I honestly can't understand why anyone would be against Double Teaming. Multi Teaming is certainly stupid, but a strict Double Team rule (or perhaps a 1 Main Member / Roster Member 1 Sub kind of deal) can easily fix these issues. Secluding people off from other teams they want to be on with friends for a wide variety of reasons is completely pointless and only further adds stress, anger and annoyance. It does no good; if it does good, it's so minimal it's vastly outweighed. Quite frankly, if your against double teaming as a whole, make that a rule on your team and try to negotiate with both your team and other teams where possible.

It's not that big a deal. The argument of 'bonding with your fellow members' falls rather flat if you ask me. For a time, I was in [Mu's] and ER at the same time. I bonded with both teams and loved my time on them so much, and I'm still on ER thankfully. I wasn't even tb crazed, as many can vouch for, and while I'm trying to make more of an effort in ER quite frankly sometimes the stars don't align; but even then, I wasn't on both teams for the damn teambattles. Sure, they were a part of it. But it was the friendships I made on them, some of which still standing after I'm only on ER, that were why I was on both teams.

I see so many people here asserting their opinions as fact without accepting other views, and if that's the case, there's no point arguing here. I'm not accusing everyone or even naming anyone, so don't consider yourself to BE one of those people; but honestly, with a few stricter regulations that you can enforce RIGHT NOW to your very whims, there's absolutely no harm being done with double teaming. Multi teaming can get a bit out of hand, but with the right reasons, it's fine. Putting a blanket ban over a complex issue solves nothing.

"In some cases you may very well be correct about this. But I trust each member of my team, be it the ones that are multi teaming or the ones who are solely devoted to HB. I've been a part of more than one team at the same time as well and developed bonds with each member of every team. I fight alongside them, and I personally chose not to fight for either team unless one side didn't have enough due to life issues. So if someone like me, who'd rather just watch everyone burn, can do it everyone can."

My argument didnt have to do with whether or not you can do it, it actually had to do with what reasons or incentives you have to do it, with multi teaming allowed teams no longer feel unique and interesting so there isn't any reason for people to try it. TL;DR: You can bond with teams even with multi teaming allowed but you actually don't have any reason to do so.

"Your opinion and stance is respected as I said before. And I understand what you mean. However, the issue about TB crazed beasts doesn't necessarily prove or disprove that multi teaming is cancerous to the community. If anything, it addresses the issue of the players themselves and their habits."

That in itself does give power to my argument for a very simple reason. If a system like double teaming can be exploitable by such players then it is simply not a healthy system to implement into the way the community works. The system hurts the community simply because its exploitable by those players habits. If the system is cannot be exploited as much then its simply a better system to implement (in this case the ban of double teaming)

Kisaragi Zane:
I'd also like to address that with the banning of double or multi-teaming, yeah team's would have their own individuality with their members. However, there is a good possibility that doing that may be doing more harm than good for the community. As we are now, (as shown in the rep chat, disregarding any trolling or random disputes/shots), we're all pretty familiar with each other to say the least. I can name at least 2-5 friends on 80% (different names mind you) because of how close or familiar we've gotten with each other. There are some teams that I do not know anything about because they're not really involved with the community for whatever their reason is and I do very much wish that this was not the case because I would like more teams within the community. This can lead to major disputes that become more difficult to defuse and later on grudges and bad rumors etc etc. The point I'm trying to make is that, individuality has lead to isolation of teams from the community, some don't mind it, others do. With double teaming, any disputes or miscommunication that are had can be diffused very easily. There were even times that because there was no involvement of the CFA community in one team, that another team was labelled as a 'bad/trouble/drama team' but coming together, we were able to see that wasn't the case. All in all, this is another pro that double teaming has brought towards the community and that by banning it, it can make teams more isolated if they aren't already.

Jai Hearts:
you know all in all the thing i see the most in people who are pro multi teaming i see they say multi teaming helps give em growand if its taken away it does more harm.

but these are your friends, your people right ? and you guys are already on the same teams this just means you guys will just be on one team and still be able to tb the same amount. for this i see people are scared there "friends" wont join em. ive seen teams who even post in there rules no mutli team make constant exceptions for people who are there "friends". i dont understand why you want someone that brings enough power over you to make em special ?

as for the growing part, one of the things i always advice allot of people is try a new deck outside of tbs first because the way most teams plays team fights are not a place to test a deck since allot of teams only thing winning is fun. being the guy with the longest running team on here i see mostly vets multi team, the people that already grew already had there time. some join teams just to be in the chat to know what happens, so what you want someone on your team to watch you ? i have seen teams, teams like 3soh who barely got time train in there none multi teaming team and grow way to freaking strong. teams like FP who i looked up to because there focus is not tbs, but to improve train with one another communicate help each other. i myself am not in any of the team chats of any team but im rivals with em im friends and im growing with em because we bond we fight we rival we war, allot of these guys i cant say are the same as my team because each people each members is so unique so different that even those that need training we work together to help em we bond and help,

in the past i started thinking all of area is toxic because there wasnt this this bond i get from teams here, but once word kept getting around of my team being mentioned at places so far away from area people contacted me and i found teams that are so strong so amazing and so fun to fight.

bottom line is all these things you say multi team is good for, you dont need it to get em. thats just you saying you are scared your members wont stay with you, and if youre so scared they will leave then why keep em ?


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