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Double Teaming

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"I honestly can't understand why anyone would be against Double Teaming. Multi Teaming is certainly stupid, but a strict Double Team rule (or perhaps a 1 Main Member / Roster Member 1 Sub kind of deal) can easily fix these issues. Secluding people off from other teams they want to be on with friends for a wide variety of reasons is completely pointless and only further adds stress, anger and annoyance. It does no good; if it does good, it's so minimal it's vastly outweighed. Quite frankly, if your against double teaming as a whole, make that a rule on your team and try to negotiate with both your team and other teams where possible."

For one limiting Multi teaming to 2 does not really prevent anyone from exploiting the system it just makes it a tiny bit harder, banning double teaming in general can fix a lot of issues and will restore each teams individual style. As for the secluding people off part, it actually gives players the incentive to actually communicate on area and during team battles to become friends rather than outright joining both teams, you can become friends with people from other teams if you wish to do so and no one said no to that, the issue here is the smooth operation of the team system as a whole which is (at least right now) not entirely functional.

"It's not that big a deal. The argument of 'bonding with your fellow members' falls rather flat if you ask me. For a time, I was in [Mu's] and ER at the same time. I bonded with both teams and loved my time on them so much, and I'm still on ER thankfully. I wasn't even tb crazed, as many can vouch for, and while I'm trying to make more of an effort in ER quite frankly sometimes the stars don't align; but even then, I wasn't on both teams for the damn teambattles. Sure, they were a part of it. But it was the friendships I made on them, some of which still standing after I'm only on ER, that were why I was on both teams."

It is a big deal, and its not only bonding with your fellow members, its bonding as a team, as a unit. Besides that like i stated in the above paragraph as well, you don't necessarily have to be in two teams to make friends with people from other teams, instead of taking the easy route and join two teams people can make an effort and talk to people they want to meet and wanna be friends with rather than: "by being on two teams you can make new friends" it's actually better to think of it like this "do I have to be on two teams at the same time to make new friends?" and on that the answer is definitely no.

"I see so many people here asserting their opinions as fact without accepting other views, and if that's the case, there's no point arguing here. I'm not accusing everyone or even naming anyone, so don't consider yourself to BE one of those people; but honestly, with a few stricter regulations that you can enforce RIGHT NOW to your very whims, there's absolutely no harm being done with double teaming. Multi teaming can get a bit out of hand, but with the right reasons, it's fine. Putting a blanket ban over a complex issue solves nothing."

In my case i did check all other arguments before stating my opinion, I agreed on some of them while disagreeing on others, but i do respect all of the things i read whether i agree with them or not. Also a few stricter regulations will not fix this issue in my opinion at least, because the system will still be able to be exploited anyway in different ways. Also Banning it will bring new players to the community and make it grow, Double teaming is in fact bordering up the community disallowing new blood to come in and reinforce the already bleeding team system. That's why its not healthy for the community as a whole.

I want to post a few suggested changes or rulings to combat this issue without completely putting down a blanket ban that doesn't help anything.

I want to introduce something along the line of subs. Here's how the basics would go, which can be easily tweaked and discussed to allow for more health; for the community as a whole, or for your specific team. It's not like it would be required, but it might be a nice starting point.

Each team can have up to three subs. These three subs will be any players from another - but they can only sub for one team (this could be negotiated to two; either as a wide statement or in specific cases. Talk with the team leaders and come to a mutual understanding and agreement). These subs are honorary members of the team they are subbing for; they have access to the group chat (this addresses the issue of wanting to double team because of friends and such) and are by all means members but they can only tb under specific circumstances.

These circumstances could vary from team to team, but a potential starting point can stem from here.

In the scenario that a main roster team member was to participate in a teambattle, if that member is for whatever reason unable to participate anymore, then a sub can be called in to take this members place. 

This means subs can't just play for another team when they want to play for that team or because they ain't got a tb in their main team, or for whatever reason; as the term 'sub' implies, they're a stand-in.

This isn't a required fix.
This can't be enforced by law.
It doesn't need to happen for your team if you don't want it to.
But if you want a fix for double teaming, a blanket ban will not work.

~~Credit to Lati for helping me discuss this idea.

Jai Hearts:

--- Quote from: Angel on April 20, 2016, 07:48:53 AM ---I want to post a few suggested changes or rulings to combat this issue without completely putting down a blanket ban that doesn't help anything.

I want to introduce something along the line of subs. Here's how the basics would go, which can be easily tweaked and discussed to allow for more health; for the community as a whole, or for your specific team. It's not like it would be required, but it might be a nice starting point.

Each team can have up to three subs. These three subs will be any players from another - but they can only sub for one team (this could be negotiated to two; either as a wide statement or in specific cases. Talk with the team leaders and come to a mutual understanding and agreement). These subs are honorary members of the team they are subbing for; they have access to the group chat (this addresses the issue of wanting to double team because of friends and such) and are by all means members but they can only tb under specific circumstances.

These circumstances could vary from team to team, but a potential starting point can stem from here.

In the scenario that a main roster team member was to participate in a teambattle, if that member is for whatever reason unable to participate anymore, then a sub can be called in to take this members place. 

This means subs can't just play for another team when they want to play for that team or because they ain't got a tb in their main team, or for whatever reason; as the term 'sub' implies, they're a stand-in.

This isn't a required fix.
This can't be enforced by law.
It doesn't need to happen for your team if you don't want it to.
But if you want a fix for double teaming, a blanket ban will not work.

~~Credit to Lati for helping me discuss this idea.

--- End quote ---

that just sounds the same as whats happening with subs now, with teammembers complaining that they want to play but there teams rather let the sub do it so there is no way to really stop em or from changing subs for one tb saying this new guy is a sub now but later said or we got our old sub back.

"I want to post a few suggested changes or rulings to combat this issue without completely putting down a blanket ban that doesn't help anything.

I want to introduce something along the line of subs. Here's how the basics would go, which can be easily tweaked and discussed to allow for more health; for the community as a whole, or for your specific team. It's not like it would be required, but it might be a nice starting point.

Each team can have up to three subs. These three subs will be any players from another - but they can only sub for one team (this could be negotiated to two; either as a wide statement or in specific cases. Talk with the team leaders and come to a mutual understanding and agreement). These subs are honorary members of the team they are subbing for; they have access to the group chat (this addresses the issue of wanting to double team because of friends and such) and are by all means members but they can only tb under specific circumstances.

These circumstances could vary from team to team, but a potential starting point can stem from here.

In the scenario that a main roster team member was to participate in a teambattle, if that member is for whatever reason unable to participate anymore, then a sub can be called in to take this members place. 

This means subs can't just play for another team when they want to play for that team or because they ain't got a tb in their main team, or for whatever reason; as the term 'sub' implies, they're a stand-in.

This isn't a required fix.
This can't be enforced by law.
It doesn't need to happen for your team if you don't want it to.
But if you want a fix for double teaming, a blanket ban will not work."

What you just described is a mini nerf to multi teaming. It's literally the same thing. Also do you have any idea how much that thing can be exploited? If someone wants to break a team now he can exploit this sub rule and do it easily. As I said before its not an issue just for certain people who wanna be on double teams with friends, this is for the health of the Team system as a whole, you cannot expect a team system like that to survive for too long, and if it does the result will not be good.If people want a team with their friends they can make one in a healthy team system, not double team left and right. At this point in time the ban is the solution. No tweak to the rules can fix the issues at hand.

In this last few posts we can see that the goal of this ordeal was reached. People finally stopped taking shots at each other, and articulate points started being made with the most crucial of all... Solutions(Thanks Angel). It is pretty obvious that at the end of the day, no one can enforce this and it would be a tyrant like thing to do so, which is something we are trying to avoid.

Thank you all who have the mental capacity of your age, and are able to see both sides of the coin without bashing the other. This was a problem that was lingering and recently exploded out of control and the end goal of this specific discussion was to expand your minds and let them realize that this has indeed become an issue that has solutions. In the end various points were um.. lets say... recycled, and many were taken out of context(Like most of you always find a way) but it seems after the trailblazers left we are starting to have productive conversation. Thank you last survivors for being the few out of the over 50 people who read or posted in here looking to do more damage than good.


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