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D Extra Booster 3 Announced! Heaven and Hell!As with most Extra Boosters



D Extra Booster 3 Announced!! Heaven and Hell!As with most Extra Boosters, this set will support all worlds; however, two special flags have been announced for this set. These 2 flags are called “Paradise Heaven” and “Burning Hell.”The poster is quite blurry so it’s hard to be certain, but the set ratios seem to match every other extra booster: 4 RRR/8 RR/18 R/30 U + 2 BR/? SCR. The Secret Flags this set will most likely be the 2 new special flags. The Set is being released in Japan on September 2nd.The current information we have on the two new flags is that the «Angel» attribute for “Paradise Heaven” will benefit from a smaller drop zone, while the  «Demon» attribute for “Burning Hell” will benefit from a larger drop zone.Something to note is that the wiki is citing the «Demon» monster as a Shadow Shade, when that has not been confirmed and is more speculation on the account of it’s name having a similar naming convention to other Shadow Shades.The names of the Angel Monster is Servant of the Divine Dragon, Muriel; while the name for the Demon Monster is  Master of the Evil Shadow Hell, Silhouette Damian.Credit for translations goes to @hunterserge from his Facebook page.


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