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[GUIDE] - Team Community Guide


Kisaragi Zane:
This is a guide regarding our community's Team activities for both Vanguard, Buddyfight, and other future games that we all come together and play as a unified whole. Here you may find various information from how to make a team, a team page, looking for teammates, and even team battle formats and more!

General Information
Outside of our administration and moderators, there is no appointed individual(s) who is in charge of the entire team community for both Cardfight, Buddyfight, and/or any other future games or "team community leader(s)". Anyone claiming that they are, is not, and are just giving themselves a self-appointed unofficial title. We do have rules and regulations that must be followed for the sake of having a positive experience within the community, but: teams have the luxury and freedom to do whatever it is they want to express themselves as a whole.

All team threads are posted in the specific boards of their respective games.

* Cardfight Area's Team Board
* Buddyfight Area's Team Board
* YGO Team Board
* They can also be listed in the Discord ServerJust be sure that when you post your team thread that they follow Team Thread Regulations, or the thread risks being deleted, meaning you'll have to start all over. (Also as a side note: some of the information in the "Team Thread Regulations" is outdated so that'll get fixed up soon. But for now, it'd probably be best to look at the pages of current teams to get an example of what future team threads should look like.)

Lastly, anyone who is looking for any team to join or for teams wanting to announce that they are recruiting: both may find the [LFT] - Looking For Teammates! thread of much use.

Kisaragi Zane:
Team Battle Regulations
Following up on the previous post will be information regarded as Team Battle Regulations for any of our community games. Basically regarding the fight formats, individual fighters rules and the team representative system.

Team Battle Formats
Our community uses 3 primary fight formats.

* Normal Format: The Traditional method of team battling, very much the same in the anime. A person from both sides play each other, and once they finish their fight they move onto the next two people and do not participate in the Team Battle again. The fight ends when a team has the most wins.
* Gunslinger Format: In this format, the fighter who is victorious is locked into playing the next player after their fight until an entire team has run out of fighters to play, in which case, your team wins. This is the most commonly used format and the most simplistic one.
* Roundout Format: A combination of both Normal and Gunslinger. The first "Round" starts off as a Normal format where each player is paired up and fights each other. If both teams has a winner(s) from the previous round, it goes to a second round where they are all paired up against the winners and must continue fighting until a team has run out of players, similar to Gunslinger.There are other Team Battle Formats, however, these are the three commonly used formats. For more information on the other ones: please refer to the Team Fight Formats Thread.

Team Fight Regulations - VanguardIn addition to the Team Battle Formats, there are other rules within each team battle.

* Clan Diversity: No two people from the same team may use the same clan. If player A used Royal Paladin, then player B may not use Royal Paladin.
* Mulligan: Referring to the option of putting back any number of cards from your initial top five, back into the deck and doing a redraw. Officially you are only allowed a Single Mulligan, but you may asked for Double Mulligan if the other team allows it.
* ENG/JPN Banlist: Mostly for Vanguard, because Area has cards that are not yet released officially (especially compared to the English Vanguard), it is preferred to play in JPN Format in addition to that ENG/JPN have two separate banned lists, however if asked, it is possible to play with the ENG banned list. For more information please see Cardfight Vanguard's Official Banned & Restricted List!
* Vanguard Fight Format: Like the ban lists, it is important to state which fight format both teams will be playing for the duration of the team battle: between Premium, V-Standard, or G-Standard.Team Fight Regulations - Yu-Gi-Oh!With the addition of our community now supporting Yu-Gi-Oh Teams, there will also be team battles for them as well.

* Deck Diversity: No two people from the same team may use the same deck. (This is subject to change because we acknowledge hybrid decks as well as using archetype cards as an engine but we cannot define them via deck construction at this current point in time. We'll be sure to update you when the time comes regarding this.)
* Side Decking: Referring to the option of swapping out cards from your main deck with cards in your side deck. You may allow this in Team Battles (in which case, you can either alter the deck manually in the editor of YGOPro or host as a match, both players forfeit one game each, side deck, and play the final game.).
* OCG/TCG Banlist: Please specify which ban list will be used for the duration of the Team Battle!


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