Cardfight!! Vanguard > CF!!V Discussion

Standard "Etiquette" For CFA, plus lots more questions


So I've been trying to figure out how most people play on CFA because there's not a lot of rules automation. From what I have gathered:

- Someone asks h/t first
- Every attack is either declared in Chat (VG or RG) or the target is clicked to be marked red
- Crits are assigned through chat

Anything else I should know?


On top of this, I really want to play Gear Colossus, which is incredibly bind zone heavy. The problem is that top checks are done using Bind Zone (IIRC) and with it being so full, how should I do top checks with that deck, or with any other top check cards in general?

Well, here we go!
CFA actually got some kind of etiquette.. Well, in the game itself there is no literal communication so the the communication between players is poor. In order to overcome rage and tilt from the miscommunication itself, the CFA etiquette is exist!

Some of other etiquette are:
- Saying ng or no guard when enemy VG is attacking your VG
- Going first when you hits your choice in coinflip
- State which unit's skill by putting it on GC or just tell them


Well, for your other questions...
You could also draw in your hand but don't ever shuffle your hand after that.


Vous ne savez pas comment m'aider? En ce qui concerne les connaissances que je recherche, je continue à partager ces informations.


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