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Can someone notify Zane?

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Wolferu can you shut up and dont be in the middle of everyone discussion ThreaD? Sh dude

Darkness Aeon:
Kek. Kaisers temper tantrum continues.


Darkness Aeon:
You got kicked from the team, you decided to make your own team but named the same thing as the other team, obviously that was to be spiteful to the original team and that was going to cause problems. They asked you nicely to change the team name, you threw a temper tantrum, got banned. Now you are throwing an even more ridiculous fit thinking you can get CFA taken down because they didnt let you get away with being toxic.

Jesus man, grow up. It is literally a card game and it aint that serious.

Kisaragi Zane:

--- Quote from: Yukkuri Shinji on January 14, 2018, 09:09:38 PM ---Zane told me something but I didn't quite understand him. He doesn't reply so if anyone can notify him to contact me that would be great. <.< Thanks I guess.

--- End quote ---

In my way of finding this, I learned that pressing Ctrl + PageUp/PageDown switches between tabs on the browser. Cool.

Let's see... I don't know how hard it was to understand the concept of "Stop causing trouble and resolve the issue w/ T-VR privately." I'm also not sure why you felt the need to constantly harass me, from asking me mid-starfight, PMing me on forums, to ask Grim, and now finally this thread: when again: you was told "Just stop causing trouble for Team VR".

--- Quote from: Yukkuri Shinji on January 14, 2018, 10:52:32 PM ---Well thank you captain obvious. I do what I think I need to do. Otherwise I can wait for eternity. And you coming here to provoke me doesn't really help me either. But I will save my words for you and that team on some other place. After all it is you guys that brought me to this point. So I gotta make sure to pay you back as soon as possible. ^^

--- End quote ---

This clearly shows that you're continuing to fail at grasping the concept of what was asked of you by me, other moderators, and even T-VR. So I'm going to have someone lock the thread and you're most definitely staying banned.


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