Cardfight!! Vanguard > Request

Reveal the card that is placed in Soul when you Soul Charge


This is a feature that would have been useful for a while (since the release of Amon's Follower, Grausam) but with the reveal of the V-Series variant of Vroukalakas having an effect that triggers when it is placed into the Soul, I think that whenever the Soul Charge button is clicked, the card sent to the Soul should be revealed briefly on screen, similarly to what happens when a Trigger Check is performed.

This way, it becomes possible to quickly verify when a certain card is placed into the Soul during a Soul Charge, and ensuring that players do not cheat by claiming that a card was Soul Charged at a later point than it actually was (especially for Grausam). Yes, it is possible to press Q to view the log and ensure this does not happen, but not everybody is aware of this function and it would be more convenient to see which card was placed into the Soul immediately.

Just open your soul and check... Thats literally one click. Much more easier than to code what you're asking for. Waste of time tbh.


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