Battle area > YGO Teams

[LC] Laughing Coffin


Dark Sora:

Do you know what the most important thing in Yu-Gi-Oh is?

Diversity? Variety? Deck-building? Dueling? Winning? Those are truly meaningful, but not satisfying enough.

The only thing that matters, is the depth of despair you opponent has been falling into.

The feeling, when your opponent is dead already, but still has few Life Points left, because you spare his life, is the best feeling in this game.

And then, when they finally beg us "finish me already", we, merciful members of Laughing Coffin, agree, ending the duel.

If you want to swipe and slash opponents merciless, our clan is the best place to do this.

We don't afraid neither death, nor pain.

We do not need respect: what we are hungry for is other clans' fear and dread.

Our color is red, because this is the color of blood of our frags.

I wish there was another way out... but we are thirsty.

And we are coming for your souls.
Laughing Coffin   

Dark Sora:
Found a whole load of teams on NEXus Server:
NBD = Never Back Down
DF = Dysfunctional Fighters
TRD = The Risen Deity
SYN = Sinister Yet Noble
TCN = The Claymore Nation
HX = Hercules $ Xena
KOJ = Keepers of Justice
SDD = Supreme Dimensional Duelists
LNK = Love and Kisses
TSM = Team Santa Monica
GH = Grinder Heroes

Clan Wars incoming! Stay tuned


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