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[DISCUSSION] Weekday Starfight Tournaments!


Kisaragi Zane:
Hi hi, Kisaragi again. First I'd like to start off by saying I thank everyone who has ever participated in any one of the Starfight Tournaments, especially recent ones after a hiatus of inactivity. Truly means a lot and it shows that my efforts and passion for doing these kinds of things are not wasted.

However, to the topic at hand. I've been pulled to the side to hear ideas and suggestions regarding how we can improve tournaments ranging from hosting more tournaments, adjusting the time zones, which formats, so on and so forth. At this point, I will say that I have mostly just been experimenting to see what people like/don't like (especially now due to the period of inactivity). Said experiments is mostly because I myself don't really know how to go about it because these days I'm usually focused on other things, not really involved with Cardfight Area as much as I was before due to conflict of interests. Although as I said before: organizing/hosting/running things is a trade that I have a passion in especially if it can generate activity that is both fun, interactive, and competitive. So far the way I've been hosting tournaments have gone as followed

Saturdays are easily the best days for tournaments (from past experiences) because most people have school / work during the weekdays. This can be changed if people want to see tournaments on a different day, especially because winter leaves me in my house majority of the time (unless I travel or go to events/locals).

Tournament Times, which have been a hit or miss, are meant to accommodate our player base which majority is US & European. Night Tournaments are meant to accommodate US & JST players. Hours are not perfect and can be tinkered with if anyone has suggestions on how to improve this.

Tournament Formats, another hit or miss. And no I'm not talking about V/P/G because Premium and V-Standard are alternated weekly.

Each format so that they don't clutter the entire postSingle Elimination has been the traditional tournament format because they're quick and fast. Easily can get two of these in, each not going over two hours of play time.

Double Elimination we used to do but I've heard mixed reviews about this format: some liking it because they can stay in the game after taking a loss while others don't because they can stretch too long (especially due to Losers Bracket)

Swiss, I've taken a liking to after playing more in real life because you keep playing even if you've taken multiple losses (granted that doesn't mean you'll win). They can stretch into a long time depending on how many rounds there and how many games are needed to be played (either best of 1 or best of 3). Additionally, Swiss was also made into a voting topic long ago.
Either of these I don't particularly mind going for because each one offers their own pros and cons. However, what matters to me is what everyone wants collectively. So, it would mean a lot to me if people left their thoughts, suggestions, comments down below as a reply. Before anyone asks, no there won't be a tournament this week because I'm not going to be home during the morning nor the night.

 ;) ;)


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