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Topic: Cardfight Vanguard Role Play Character Archive (Read 9372 times)
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[R.T] SpiderHunterMD
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The Specter Shadow
Cardfight Vanguard Role Play Character Archive
April 19, 2019, 10:47:27 AM »
Yo, SpiderHunterMD here, This is just a post for me to keep Track of All Roleplay characters I have done with CFA so i know what i've used and played with
Kurai Tsukino
Age: 17
Main Clan:
Dark Irregular
Avatar Card:
Demon World Marquis, Amon
Moral Alignment:
(Darkest Part)
Possessed by the evil that has corrupted his Alternate personality, Amon takes control of Kurai Tsukino during the event of the Link Joker Invasion.
Amon's true appearence, and the one that will be seen mostly during this saga.
Kurai Tsukino is a person with a split-personality.This fall's under the medical condition multiple-personality disorder. Kurai was unaware of the alternate personality's existence at the time of diagnosis, however Kurai had since learnt about Amon's existence. And his freewill and body control have been taken over by Amon. Kurai is now simply a personality which may appear on rare occasion.
Kurai Tsukino(Original)
This is the true Kurai. A calm, level-headed teenager who is caring towards people. He is especially considerate to cute things, such as animals and cute girls (although he would ever personally admit to this trait). He has a largely confident in his ability, although has been known to panic if the situation at hand is grave, which would lead to his alternate personality disorder activating. He often attempts to gain information on others through the means of questioning and inference. This version is more self-concious and vulnerable to his alternate personality(although, these traits are hardly noticeable).He also has a high intellect with a large sense of morality and modesty, with slightly more trustworthy than others. He appears more self-disciplined than his alternate personality due to the fact he is passive compared to the other's aggressive nature. Due to being the true Kurai, he is often in control, but does not withhold the information that the alternate personality does.
Kurai Tsukino(Alternate)
No longer the alternate personality of Kurai, Amon no longer has binds on his sanity nor his aggression due to sealing Kurai inside his own mind and taking control of his body. His sense of morality decimated, but still slightly lingers as such his burning hatred towards two individuals, Neu Edelwiess and Hazama. Amon still throws caution to the wind and prefers the settle his issues with card-fighting. Originally born from Kurai's depression, the negative emotions consume him as he seeks what he desires, whether it be Vengeance or
other things. Amon has became a person whom has sunk to the darkest part of Kurai sub-concious to unleash the beast of negativity from it's binds causing chaos to the people around him in it's wake. He is now often found training in the depth of the forest, away from civilisation in order to become stronger and release his tension
The Story so Far...
It had been a year since the incident of where everyone remembered the forgotten clans, the chaos had fallen and everything had returned to normal, or as normal as it would be after a shocking revelation. The year had been an interesting one, Kurai had begun to attend school and Yuri had also returned to education. Kurai has in his last year of school. A fluctuation in the skill Limit Break had increased immensely. Even the introduction of a variation of a Limit Break known as a 'Breakride' which gave the Vanguard that rode over it immense power and overwhelming ability's, allowing even the weakest of Vanguards to become Powerful. This power was bestowed to many, if not all clan's, including the Dark Irregular's. Kurai had lost control of his body slowly during this time until Amon completely took over and his appearance changed completely. However Amon still posed himself to Yuri as Kurai and only shows kindness towards her, as he considers her a close family member, despite her being Kurai's family not his.
Somewhere during this period, Amon created a training area secluded in the depths of the forest. There he goes to train his body and release his tension caused by his anger. No one knows of this training, as he has managed to keep it hidden from the public eye.
After his confrontation with the thugs involved in the turf war, and his unwilling encounter with Neu Edelwiess, Amon disappeared from the face of the world entirely. Many did not notice nor care for his disappearance.
Amon had in fact left Japan entirely, and began a odyssey in China. He went to simply train and become stronger, whilst escaping the life that was in Japan. During his time in this new land, his time was spent between two things; Card-fighting and Intense Body Training. During his duration in China, he came across a strange fighter, their actions were weird, constantly asking strong fighters to partake in card-fighting against him. His aura was dark. Amon fought this man, whom had brought forth a clan that he had never seen before, dominating him in combat, pushing him to a breaking point. He smiled in the face of danger, asking the man of the clan's origins. He simply replied.
"Soon, Link Joker will control this planet's card-fighters in the name of the Void!"
Amon unwilling to lose to him, performed a breakride. Despite his two of his front units locked, and one of his back-row units locked, be performed a breakride using Demon World Marquis, Amon. The Power of Amon overwhelmed the fighter.
After his defeat, before the cardfighter returned to normal, Link Joker possessed him, stating that he cannot stop what had already began globally. With his defeat, Amon had gained knowledge of an incoming conflict... one he must help the other's stop. With such, He returned to Japan to fight along side the others in, what was to become, large-scale combat.
Upon losing to a reversed fighter whom he classified as 'Greed', Amon was supposedly turning into the void's puppet. However due to his negative creation, the reversing process did not completely gain control of his free will. Instead created a mission... to defeat the Sins of this World. Encountering and defeating 'Sloth' and already suffering a loss to 'Greed', he saw the encounter of 'Wrath' & Envy clashing in battle but did not remain to see them. Instead he travelled for a while, eventually finding and defeating the Sins 'Lust' and 'Gluttony' before journeying back to the city, but beforehand, stopped in a City of Skyscrapers to rest up before Hunting down the remaining 4 sins to defeat; Greed, Wrath, Envy & Pride.
Story Status : Left on Cliff Hanger
[R.T] SpiderHunterMD
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The Specter Shadow
Re: Cardfight Vanguard Role Play Character Archive
Reply #1 on:
April 19, 2019, 10:49:03 AM »
: Kabuki Pheonix
: 21
: Male
: Nubatama
: Stealth Dragon, Shiranui
• Eye colour: Yellow Carbuncle
• Hair Colour: Messy shoulder length white hair
• Height: 5' 9"
• Body Type : Slender not muscular
• Distinctive Feature: Dark Grey Fedora alongside a dulled blackish-grey suit, long free-flowing dark red tie that was once wrapped around the collar of a dark white shirt now wrapped around his left hand in the form of a bandage.
• Generally Logical in situations.
• Usually Observant (Can occasionally be unable to notice certain things)
• Rarely Honest about his opinion in certain matters.
• Self-Controlled
"Boring" & “Interesting" are often uttered by your character.
No Longer utters either due to finding it highly annoying and wasteful of people's time
Continent of Origin
: Unknown
• Confident in his abillity as a cardfighter.
• Strategic in planning out certain actions
• Non-Violent
(Therefore does not wish to gauge any physical altercations
• Not Physically strong
• Somewhat Anti-Social
(Only to those whom are his enemies)
• Liar
(Will bend the truth in some situations)
• Egocentric
(Any major actions he takes will be done in self interest)
Flaws & Quirks:
• Easily hate-able due to some of his actions
• Uses a sacastic retort to anyone whom insults him
• Likes to learn things for its own benefit.
Not much is known about Kabuki Phoenix's previous life before the events of the cards souls coming to life. The only key known information currently known is his previously owned deck, with his Avatar "Stealth Dragon, Shiranui" is currently impounded in an unknown location. Additionally he has a connection with Barramen (Barman)
Character Skills:
God's Hand
- [ACT][1/Turn][Counterblast 1] Choose one of your units in your back-row and it gets
[AUTO]: At the end of the battle that a unit in the same column as this unit attacked, bind this unit face up, if the attacking unit hit, choose one of your opponents bound cards and put it to the dropzone.
AUTO[Bind Zone] At the start of the guard step that your vanguard was attacked, you may put this unit to GC, if you do it gains shield +5000
(Currently Active)
Even Playing Field
During your fight, if a player does not control a g-deck, they will only be allowed to perform one stride during the match. (Any Generation Break or Requiring a face-up G-unit is voided on G-units during that match
Currently Disabled
Unlocked after beating the Murder of Gonzago
Killing Joke
[ACT](Active if the number of damage you have is four or more): Counter-Blast (2) & Soul-Blast (1), Until the end of the turn, any card bound by card effect is sent to the dropzone.
Unlocked after Certain Event
Deadman's Hand
[AUTO](Once per game) At the beginning of your main-phase, discard a card, if you do, search your deck for one grade 3 or higher unit and place it on VC, then shuffle your deck.
Character Relationships (Present)
Hagakure Shin:
:A Former Associate of Phoenix's whom has gone insane with the power of the Narukami. Phoenix currently possess's Dragonic Overlord the Rebirth, which is what the Great reverted into after Shin discarded it.
(A Close personal friend of Kabuki Phoenix that he has known for eight years)
It was eight years ago, on a chilly October morning, the clouds were bitter and hollow with rain. He was thirteen at the time. Phoenix had just been caught by a guard of Link Joker for possessing a vanguard card. Although the card's had no way to deal with Link Jokers reign, the guard wished to punish the child for even daring to touch one. The guard planned to punish him using violence before a stranger stepped into prevent him for striking the younger Kabuki. The stranger had spiky red-maroon hair and wore a bartender's attire, with his overcoat being navy dark blue. He made somewhat of a peculiar offer to the guard to allow him to spare the child the harm.... he offered him a free drink of any alcohol he desired. Afterwards when the guard left, the Bartender crouched down to the fallen Kabuki, who had been knocked over by the guard, and introduced him.
"Aye Lad you okay? The names Barramen, but most round deze parts call me Barman." The young Phoenix also introduced himself. "My.... Name is.... Kabuki. Kabuki Phoenix". Barman simply smiled at him and said how nice it was to know he was safe.
(Seto Kegarem) :
His name and appearance are currently unknown to everyone besides Kabuki. He knew Phoenix's identity and past and gave him his second most powerful deck that was in impound via Link Joker. He reveals himself later on inside the manor of the Oliver. Using the Link Joker and his Avatar that is unrivaled by all. Defeating Kabuki Phoenix, he captures him and takes him to Ophelia
No established relation
No established relation
Masked Man Vladus:
No established relation however a mysterious aura can be sensed from him.
Story Status : Unconcluded
[R.T] SpiderHunterMD
Communicative User
Posts: 650
Karma: -3
The Specter Shadow
Re: Cardfight Vanguard Role Play Character Archive
Reply #2 on:
April 19, 2019, 10:49:55 AM »
Name: Allister Von Hydrias
Clan: Spike Brother
Avatar: Dudely Turbolapor
Age: 21
Personality: Allister is a calm determined individual and likes to plan ahead and plays by the rules unlike most from the Underground. A man who dislikes violence based on his past, he tends to try settle any of his grievances with Vanguard.
Backstory: Allister grew up in a harsh environment, his father left when he was the age of five and his mother was a heavy drinker. Thanks to this destructive personality flaw, he was subjected to physical abuse from her. Eventually he began playing vanguard in order to take him away from the real world, the clan he choose was the one that he believed represented his pent-up emotion, The Spike Brothers. At the Age of 15, his mother passed away from liver failure, causing him to live alone.
After his mother’s death, he left his home town and vanished into obscurity for a while before reappearing in an Underground card fighting club under the name “Death Flag”. During his time in the Underground he developed and honed his skills.
Characters Story
After a certain set of events, Hydrias became infamous in the underground, going so far as to be undefeated for a period of a year before losing a close game to the King of the Underground. Despite this loss, his reputation remains unhindered.
By Chance, he had come across a young man who seeks complete attention and dresses extremely flamboyant gambling some cards in an Underground fight. Despite the kid losing horribly, he still kept the audience entertained and laughed as he lost. Allister decided to introduce himself to the boy and become some what of a source of guidance to the kid. Before eventually betraying him by forcing him into an Underground fight where the player's were damaged with an electro shock as they took damage.
Working along side the main Villian, the Mysterious Nebula, he kidnaps Nemui Hakase, a young boy immune to Nebula's Virus, before allowing Nebula himself to plunge the world into Chaos for his own New Era
Last Edit: May 27, 2019, 11:40:07 AM by [R.T] SpiderHunterMD
[R.T] SpiderHunterMD
Communicative User
Posts: 650
Karma: -3
The Specter Shadow
Re: Cardfight Vanguard Role Play Character Archive
Reply #3 on:
April 19, 2019, 10:54:19 AM »
Michael Shroud
Age: 17
Personality Traits: Shroud is an extremely flamboyant , outspoken and isn't afraid to stand out in the slightest but is kind of... absent minded at some times and clumsy.
Background: Michael started card-fighting when it began to grow in popularity a while back, something to do with some holographic system or something that caused a boom period... At least that is what he can remember, it just kinda happened. As he grew up during his childhood, he was constantly by his classmates and the people around him for being abit abnormal, this lead to him to develop more of an attention seeking persona for himself once he made his high-school. He started dressing in a way he thought looked super cool and began talking in more of a sophisticated accent. (Until he decided the accent was too much effort to maintain).
Using a clan known as Megacolony that he decided on when he started playing the game because the units looked like a mix of cool and flashy, he gained alot of experience with the game, even if he did lose quite alot.... well most of the time since he either zoned out and messed up a move or just ended up in a bad match-up. Eventually he took quite abit of an interest in the NCFV. A program that would allow him to gain all the attention he wants
Story Status: To Begin
Last Edit: April 19, 2019, 11:44:42 AM by [R.T] SpiderHunterMD
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