Cardfight!! Vanguard > Cardfight!! Vanguard Anime Discussion

Dubbed or Subbed?

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Hello everyone, after watching...a particularly awful episode of the subbed version of the cardfight anime, it came upon me to start up this poll! Now individual voices aside, as a whole, which do you guys and gals prefer? I personally prefer the subbed myself. I hate what they did to a lot of the character's voices (mostly Tetsu's q.q he had such a dreamy deep voice and now it's like some dumb 20 year old trying to sound tough) and don't even get me started on how they often trip over the names of certain cards.

Another question, that is optional, is out of the voices, which ones are your faves?

(For those of you who do not know, dubbed is when they take something that either doesn't have a voice or it isn't in a specific language and basically 'talk' over it, usually using the same lines the character(s) use in the original product. Meanwhile subbed is when you watch something in a language you may or may not know and they translate what they say by putting words underneath the scene)

Subbed, they're not gonna be able top that Rati voice, nor a lot of others. They subbed version has quality VAs imo.

Lance Korilum:
Sub.  I don't want to get 2 episodes once every month.  The dub voices are also....  Really bad, for the most part.  Except Ren's.  Ren's is good in the dub.  Still, the dub is so far behind, and updates so infrequently that I got sick of it.  Also, since subbed it up-to-date, it gives some information on new cards in some episodes.

Doctor Who:
Definetly sub. Dubbed only if it is done professionaly.

Gonna have to go with subbed. Dub does have it's good moments ish.
The voices for the dub aren't to bad. Though I sort of noticed that most
dubs don't ever do as well as the subbed version. Japanese voices tend
to have more emotion in their voices then the dub counterpart most often.
At least that's what I have observed anyways.


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