Cardfight!! Vanguard > Cardfight!! Vanguard Anime Discussion

Episode 177: The Announced Truth

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Doctor Who:
So, Kourin appears in this episode and the clan she is using might be Link Joker according to some unofficial leaks. So discuss, no flood or spam. Anything spamish or floodish will be removed.

Magus TSS:
It would honestly make no sence if she used LJ. Her eyes aren't showing the reversed like look. In addition it's too early for LJ to be appearing. If it did it would be a shock.
I expect it to be Royal Paladin. With ether the rumored Garmore or the even more less likely but further rumored Jewel Knights.

Well I think that Kourin will use Royal Paladin Jewel Knights or Gold Paladin Aichi deck.And I think that Kourin is  somekind Queen and Aichi is King and Kourin protects Aichi and talks that what happened with Aichi

[ER] Patrickzzz:
It's quite possible that they use LJ i mean regardless of the plot it's still a clan, and a famous one. So they gotta add support to it somehow.

If Link Joker would get support then that would be bad because Link Joker is too op clan with their locks.I still stay at my opinion what I said that Korin will use RP or GP.


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