Battle area > Cardfight Vanguard Teams

[ZK] La Famiglia di Zi Koannia

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Yes, yes I live o Ao
Um, I'm a sack, I play Genesis too much and I also happen to be a Global Mod
there now you people know something~~
EDIT: 500th post, I hope you're happy ene

Well, since it's obvious my attempt to put myself into a life coma failed, I may as well respond to the call.

I'm Beryl, the real Godfather, although I'm pretty okay with Cherry being the acting one since she gets shit done a lot better than I can, ehe.

I'm a mod myself, and I don't put up with nonsense, because nonsense is bad and it makes everything else bad. S'why this team is a "no-nonsense" zone~

Hi I was told to make a post so here I'm am.
I'm just a tiny shota Maelstrom lover who is also very appreciative of...
Every clan tbh.
Except Angel Feathers.
And maybe Genesis.

Galaxy Idol:
Easily the blessed moeblob of our little jig! I'm a weab so if you wanna talk some animu or mango just hit me up.

"I'm a mod myself, and I don't put up with nonsense, because nonsense is bad and it makes everything else bad. S'why this team is a "no-nonsense" zone~"

Except we all know nonsense is loved and adored and cuddled.

P.S. I'm best girl.

Thank you all for posting! I'll do it myself as well: I'm Cherry/Hope and I'm God's Gift. Blaster Blade is my bbu and Alfred is my sitcom dad. In case it wasn't obvious: Royals are my main. Like StrawHatter, I am a colossal weab. I like animu and mango, so we're well suited to talk about endless nonsense of husbanddos and waifus of wapanese animation, even the bad ones. I'm also socially awkward so bare with me if I ramble on or act random.

Also, I want a written report of that Team Battle I missed while I was asleep! If you guys start getting lazy after I woke you up, there's gonna be hell to pay!


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