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[ZK] La Famiglia di Zi Koannia

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Zi Koannia vs Radiant Tales
Format: Gunslinger/Double Mulligan
Final Result: 2-3
Loss for Zi Koannia

Round 1
AloisTrancy (Perdition Overlords) vs T-Zero Lucius (Seekers)

Lucius played as a stand in. This matchup was heavily in our favor as Alois had the advantage of mass retiring faster than Lucius' Seekers could generate rearguards. Though Lucius played a decent rush game, Alois break rode Overlord the Great from Dragonic Overlord, resulting in less hand being reduced while still carrying the same heavy amount of firepower. Lucius played a safe game of staying back from Great's Legion skill, but it overall didn't help him as Alois' generated advantage and power lanes were too much. In the end, Alois dropped Rebirth for his final turn which wasn't the smartest move but it got it done.

Victor: AloisTrancy (1-0)

Round 2
AloisTrancy (Perdition Overlords) vs [T-RT] MisteR (Big Bang Brawlers)

The main defining point of this game was the absolute absurd amount of healing from both sides, but mostly Alois. Because of this, the whole game went smoothly for him, especially with riding up to Overlord the Great early, and MisteR damage checking his only upcoming Big Bang Knuckle Buster at the time. Both played a safe game: MisteR didn't play anything for Great to stand on and Alois didn't call a full frontrow to get hit from Big Bang Knuckle's Especial Counterblast attack. The endless healing ultimately ended with a dual trigger sack in the end when Big Bang Buster came too late.

Victor: AloisTrancy (2-0)

Round 3
AloisTrancy (Perdition Overolrds) vs [T.RT] Jai (Prominence Liberators)

My memory is a bit hazy on this one but it ended in Alois' loss.

Victor: Jai (2-1)

Round 4
Darkey (Link Joker) vs [T.RT] Jai (Prominence Liberators)

I think we did something wrong because the only thing that happened this game is that Darkey got ferociously sacked by dual triggers before he could get any combo off.

Victor: Jai (2-2)

Final Round
Hope (Seekers) vs [T.RT] Jai (Liberators)

This match was fantastic but I think God hates me. The game played out in my favor despite being under fire from Jai's early rush game, as I had a solid 10k defense as my Grade 2. In addition to that, an early Alfred legioning completely shredded his resources to pieces. While surviving the onslaughts, Jai managed to Superior Call a Aglovale and a Prominence Core with Core as his Vanguard, and had a 19k Bruno. Thankfully that Bruno wasn't behind Prominence but I had no null so that still hurt. Though, he still was low on resources. Alfred would have ended it, but then fate bitches out; Jai gets a heal trigger. I still try to go for it because I couldn't make it with my hand otherwise. Unfortunately, Seekers failed to give me the Critical Trigger I needed to finish the game. I lost next turn.

Victor: Jai (2-3)

Sigh, my apologies for screwing this up guys.

Jai Hearts:
 :-\ wow what a report  :-\

just for the record that wasnt a sixth dmg heal.

Not trying to completely discredit you guys. It was a good team battle. Everyone played good.

Yeah it wasn't a sixth damage heal either. Was still close.

Jai Hearts:
still you gave your team a glowing report while mine especially me got the *won by luck* piece. granted my second opponent had it bad with missplays and me double trigging him.

Tbh, I probably shouldn't have used those heal triggers to guard so early in the game
Also I'm psure she pmuch just said "Alois won by luck" in those reports


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