Area Forum

Battle area => Grade System Event => Grade System Event Version 2 => Topic started by: Hyo on September 26, 2015, 05:39:18 PM

Title: Sylvester Rhodes
Post by: Hyo on September 26, 2015, 05:39:18 PM
IGN: Hyomathunder
Height: 5'9
Weight: 121 pounds
Clan: Aqua Force
Avatar Card: Tidal assault
Occupation: High School teacher
Alignment: Evil
Age: 23-24

Personality: Known to manipulate people. But when first meeting people he comes off as nice and an extreme gentleman. He always dresses to impress no matter where he is going. He is usually seen wearing a white button down shirt, with some perfectly fitting pants as well as expensive shoes and a belt that matches his shoes and usually wear a cross around his neck and an expensive watch around his wrist along with expensive shades. He is vegan and born again Christian. He gets quite irritated when people eat animal related products around his presence and usually breaks out of character and perhaps sometimes break out in tears. He is a firm believer that the game VG can help him change and control the way humans behave to fit his standards of everyone being the same and no one having anything more then they should or less then they should. He is also rumored to be OCD.

Biography: Born in parts unknown as he was an orphan and the foster mum burned all records and the orphanage he stayed in was burned to shreds. He picked up VG at a young age but put it down due to not finding the meaning of the game, but after finding 3 clans to click with he soon came to realize he can achieve true greatness through this game. He studied Marine Biology throughout his years in college and graduated one year sooner due to taking college courses while in high school. He was raised to keep everything in a specific order and to always conduct everything he does in that same specific order. During High school he went to a special medical High school where he learned mostly about the human brain and human behavior, which contributes to most of the way he thinks now. Throughout his life his notions where usually thrown into his face and called foolish.And now through VG he will prove the world wrong.