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Battle area => Grade System Event => Grade System Event Version 2 => Topic started by: Hope on August 07, 2015, 04:39:37 PM

Title: (GS3) "Generation System" (Season 1)
Post by: Hope on August 07, 2015, 04:39:37 PM

An unknown threat is headed for the planet Cray.
Many fighters gather in the battlefield.
Through their numerous Cardfights, a leader will be decided.
The one who will lead cray against this threat,
the Vanguard.

CFV Generation System (Season 1)

    This version of GSE will act as a "RP" or "roleplay" game. Each individual person will get to create their own character who will represent them and take part in the various points and events within the plot. This character will also interact directly with other characters as well and will be able to earn the rewards with them as a result. The story's plot will also acknowledge if possible, the relationships between the various characters in the roleplay. Your character whom you will design is a fighter in the world of Cardfight Vanguard. As the creator, you are able to modify their appearance, likes, dislikes, and overall personality. You will only be limited by certain things that the host of this event (me), will put restrictions on. This would mainly be for the sake of moving the plot forward.

So I have my character in mind, what's his goal?

    Your character will be able to participate in numerous cardfights, team battles, and tournaments in order to stamp their roles into the plot. The host will provide smaller to larger scale events in which characters will be given the choice to participate in order to help push the plot forward both overall and for themselves.

Ex: "Underground Fight Tournament"

Entering in this event would then, in both the story and individual characters bio, would dub the winner the "King/Queen of Underground Fights"

Each season will have a planned "finale" event which would signal the end of a season as well as its climax.
It is an event in which characters would have to fulfill conditions to participate. See this as your main goal.

This season's aim is to find a Vanguard whom, alongside their clan, will become the hero against the oncoming threat
your character through their interactions will eventually work towards the Vanguard National Tournament where they will be able
to compete for ultimate title, "The Vanguard."

These results will transfer over to the next season, season 2.

Character Guidelines and Registration:

Register your character here!

Current Cycle: Season 1 (Only CFV Season 1 cards are allowed)
Other Restrictions: Barcgal and Conroe and Banned as starters.

How to Register:

Just fill this information out:
Character Name: (First Name and Last Name) 
Main Clan: (Only Clans introduced Sets 1-5. Clans like Genesis, Gear Chronicle, Gold Paladin are not yet allowed.)
Avatar Card:
Preffered Side: (Good or Bad)

With this info you'll be chosen whether to be on the side good or the side of evil. Your preference will be taken into consideration, but the final result will be in the hands of the organizers. Once your sign up you may make your profile on the page you are then designated to.

Character Guidelines

Yes, You will be handling your own character's profile.

First of all, the post title should be your character's full name.

In this character's profile post, the basics are required.
- Character Name
- Age
- Main Clan
- Avatar Card
- Side : Good or Evil

- A quick bio explaining your character's background and traits. This may include and is not limited to.
        - Some backstory (Remember, your character's adventure begins here, there can't be anything too major here.)
        - Personality Traits (How do they act around others, how do they interact? This is how you will act around other characters as you     
           play the role of your character in this event.)
        - Personal Appearance. How do they look like?
        - Likes, Dislikes, Hobbies.

Main Clan cannot be changed unless it is requested and then approved by me,
When a new season begins, main clans may be changed.
For the most part something that should stay constant, is the appearance. (I don't want characters that morph into everything kk.)

Now there are other optional things like  photos of how you imagine and want others to imagine your character to look.
You have the freedom to design your profile page here, to make it look extremely good, or extremely bad.
I'll be able to help out if help is needed in anything.
If you are unsure if adding certain things on a page is allowed, ask me.

Later on, I'll be tacking on affinity points on your profile page which represents your character's bonds with others which have built up over various fights, team battles, and tournaments.

What cards may I use?

You may fight with any cards and deck that follow the season guidelines!

At the moment cards from sets 1-5, basically the season 1 of Cardfight Vanguard anime are available to you.
You may use any clan and even mix as it was something that was allowed during this time.
For team battles and individual cardfights, you do not have to use your main clan at all, though it is preferred that you do.

For major events, you will have to use your main clan when participating.
Title: Re: (GS3) "Generation System" (Season 1)
Post by: Neopaladin28 on August 09, 2015, 12:49:59 AM
Are we allowed to use promo cards that have been released at the time at which sets 1-5 have been released? Such as promos that were released at the same time as the sets, Meaning Dragonic Waterfall from CFV Manga Vol. 02 and Dark Dictator from Vol. 04? And are extra boosters not included? Aka. EB01 and EB02.