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Battle area => Grade System Event => Grade System Event Version 2 => Topic started by: Hyo on August 08, 2015, 04:19:33 PM

Title: Project Dean
Post by: Hyo on August 08, 2015, 04:19:33 PM
IGN: Hyomathunder and Project Dean
Character name: Project Dean
Age: Unknown (he's at least 17 years  old)
Height: 5'9 Feet
Weight: 137 lbs
Favorite food: Doesn't have one. He's a vegan tho
Avatar card: Blaukuger
Clan: Nova Grappler
Job: Street doctor for criminals
Side: Good
Nationality: Unknown (He switches his skin frequently to avoid the cops)

Personality: He's very confident, good with the ladies, intelligent and loves to brag about it. He tends to wear very flashy clothing as if he's a pop star. He is very proficient doctor. He can perform any type of surgery or procedure. That includes cosmetic as well. He also has a tough guy persona as he does perform surgeries on himself, mostly cosmetic to change appearance.  He dislikes when anyone mistreats a girl even if he mistreats one by himself, he believes women should be worship as gods.

Appearance: He's an average height young looking man, with a very impressive build. One similar to pro-wrestler ''John Morrsion'', not too bulky but not too slim. He's always handsome despite what race he's wearing or skin. He has an obsession with skinning all his murder victims alive and reconstructs their skin flawlessly and wears it as his own even sometimes he'll spend a couple days with the victims family before he offs them too. He' never wears the same outfit twice and he's very wealthy. He tends to go missing for weeks after he preforms surgery on himself, which is his one true weakness and finds himself lonely. His hear tends to wear mostly as brown or black as other colors don't interest him. He always wears a smile on his face around ladies and you will never see him casually hanging around a guy. He will also always be seen wearing a cross around his neck as he is a proud Christian.

Backstory:Dean was born to a single mother. He had a twin but in the womb Dean killed her. His mum was quickly murdered by the same doctors who gave birth to him, and those same doctors took care of him and named him Project Dean where they would make the most talented serial killer to ever exist. By age of 9, Dean was fluent in 3 Languages and was already in Junior High, killing anyone who would ever insult a female (He has a bad temper when anyone harms a lady), at the age of 18 after going AWOL in the US Marine Corps, he found out what his adopted parents did and he skinned them alive and hung them outside his barracks to show what would happen to anyone else if they ever harm a female. The next day one of his girlfriends challenged him to a CF, she defeated him and then the next day he killed her for beating him. He then moved to Japan to hide, he swam there. That's where he continued to play VG and killing more and more people who harmed ladies but VG was his main addiction as to he can harm people in ways he never could even possibly ever imagine.
x]He has a major soft spot for women even leaving the ones he did kill at the hospital begging for forgiveness. He left the Marine Corps for not having enough women.[/size][/font]
Title: Re: Project Dean
Post by: Hyo on August 09, 2015, 04:19:03 PM
Due to crappy luck, Dean will be taking a tour in Europe to gain luck. This means Dean is done for season 1. He does not like losing to easy opponents.