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Cardfight!! Vanguard => Creative Works => Topic started by: Sandy on June 13, 2014, 10:52:54 PM

Title: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Sandy on June 13, 2014, 10:52:54 PM

Hey there everyone. Just got a great idea and I thought it'd be fun to have everyone throw in their two cents. Okay you know how the Quatre Knights have their 'fight fields'? Rati has "Fairy Masquerade Prison", a field above a lake and surrounded by twisting and thorny vines and the dueling tables are made out of intertwined vines. Olivier's "Holy Prominence Prison" is made out of blue flames and darkness where the tables are made out condensed blue flames. Neve' "Steel Wall Prison" has a dark field upon the earth with metal rods sticking out everywhere and the tables made from metal as well and finally Sera has his whole "Millenium Blizzard Prison" ice motif as well. I'm just wondering if you could have a fight field, what would it be? What would be it's name? What would the surrounding area look like? What would the tables be made out of and finally if someone lost to you, what would be their 'judgement'? Lastly, what would be your talisman? Remember it can be next to anything as long as it is small and can be held in your hand.

Let us know below and don't be afraid to be as creative and descriptive as possible! Have fun with it! Don't be afraid to add a picture or two either, but remember keep it about your fight field, there shouldn't be characters seen. :3
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: xateramusa on June 13, 2014, 11:02:28 PM

 My prison would be Darkness, and its name would be Dark Nightmare prison. The item that holds my prison will be a bracelet with the moon dangling form it that when pulled off releases my prison. The field will be all black with wisps of dark purple smoke flowing thorough and around it, there would be bones scattered around the floor. The fight tables will be tomb stones, with skeleton arms and hands as its legs. My Judgement in my prison will have the bones will circle around the loser creating a cyclone while the purple wisps flow through the loser, bring the loser's nightmare to there mind.
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: [ER] Patrickzzz on June 13, 2014, 11:22:44 PM
It would be pretty much holy prominence prison except that the flames would be black.
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Kaze Natsume on June 14, 2014, 01:37:41 AM
The prison I would have would be of the wind, and I will call it Gale Prison. The item that will hold my prison would be my
Blue and greenish crystal necklace that i have around my neck, that when taken off and thrown up into the air will release it. For the prison there would be a tornado surrounding the players, and in the prison it will look like the midnight sky but will have tiny twisters that are not as harsh that the cards would blow away. The table will be in the shape of the top of a regular tornado with twisters holding it up. The Judgment will have the wind form a twister around the loser and cut the loser up.
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Sandy on June 14, 2014, 02:08:21 AM
Mine would be thus.

Name: Grand Garden Prison
Description: The setting would be on a wonderfully gardened court yard at sunset with a slight breeze, we'd be surrounded by golden fences that are covered with crawling ivy which bloom with various shades of flowers, most notably red in color and nothing but the sky seemingly all around us. Small marble pillars, covered in climbing roses would jut from the ground and form out a wide enough spot to put one's cards, the 'mat' would be gold inlaid, with green RG circles in the shapes of unopened buds and the VG circle would be an open, red rose circle.
Judgement: Those who would loose would find themselves suddenly caught up in a swirling vortex of harsh, biting wind, pink and red petals would be fluttering in this vortex cutting at their clothes and skin, allowing the person to endure the pain and yet come out smelling like roses.
Talisman: Small, hanging ruby earrings that are in the shape of a rosebud, I would rub one of them to begin the transportation to the fight field where the other person and I would be swept away in a flurry of rose petals.

Edit: Changed the name.
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Mikado on June 14, 2014, 02:21:32 AM
Moonlight Requiem Prison
 A pitch black, empty void with the only real features being a floor made out of light and a moon hanging above the field. The fight tables are made out of light that floats above the floor, with only a vanguard circle being prominent in the center of it.
The judgment of the prison is for the defeated player to be surrounded by intense, blazing light, that would both blind and burn the victim due to the light's intensity.
The talisman that holds the prison is a dull metal bracelet that would brighten as the prison is released.
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Raien D. End on June 14, 2014, 02:34:40 AM
my prison is hunter's trap prison
description:in a thick fantasty jungle.the surrounding is queit and eerie.the mat is from wood with white vg circle,brown rg circle,white guardian,drop and damage circle.
judgement:the one who lose will be caught by roots of trees that will drag them into darkness whatever happens after that i dont know.
talisman:a black ring,i would make a fist and point it to my opponent, the ring will then glow in a bright purple colour transporting us to the field.
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: jennymori on June 14, 2014, 03:27:38 AM
My Fight Field would be called the Verdant Omniscience Garden. a field full of white and Red and green with pretty scenery around, but towards the borders Bigger flowers grow, starting small, getting bigger unto sunflowers, and past the tall sunflowers lie thick bamboo shoots and beyond even the tall thick bamboo, lie monsterous flowers ready to dine on any who should try to run.
the Play fields would be made out of Flower Petals and the summon charm would be a small grass whistle. "Judgement" would be millions of Razor sharp rose petals encompassing the opponent at high velocity.
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Sandy on June 14, 2014, 05:10:16 AM
Don't forget Jenny, it has to end in 'Prison', because that's currently their thing, since I take it they get it from the fact that people who are transported there till they finish their fight IE they are held 'prisoner' until they win or lose.
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Jaden on June 14, 2014, 05:30:53 AM
Hmm well I guess my prison would be called Neo Space Prison.

Description:Green flames buring everywhere and heaven is green full with many different stars.
Judgement:1 of my monsters would come out and do lot of damage to player.Like hit him or burn him.
Talisman:I wouldn't have any but I could activate it with my eyes with green and yellow eye.Eyes like Jaden Yuki when he is combined with Yubel so like Yubel eyes.
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: UnknownKIRA on June 14, 2014, 05:38:34 AM
For me... I'd rather not have a prison but a relaxing place where everyone can enjoy the scenery and have a fun cardfight....
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: SlayerSage on June 14, 2014, 07:27:27 AM
Mine would be.... oh, Black Abyss Prison.

Description: Hmmm.... Right. The darkest place on the ocean floor, where spirits haunt and black waves of torment flow, Judgement would be: The loser is drowned by the black waves, where his darkest fears live and they constantly torment his mind. Should keep him out of cardfighting for quite some time, teehee.
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: T_RD Ellino on June 14, 2014, 08:09:50 AM
Midnight Nighmare Prison I suppose...
My talisman would be a necklace,the backround would be a stary sky with a full moon on the backround and the fighting field would be filled with stars the loser gets hit by meteors :D(falling stars)
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Sandy on June 14, 2014, 01:45:25 PM
For me... I'd rather not have a prison but a relaxing place where everyone can enjoy the scenery and have a fun cardfight....
Betch yer getting a prison! xD
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Skyzlimitz on June 14, 2014, 04:13:30 PM
mine would be Sky Cage Prison. It would sit atop the clouds and you'd be surrounded by the blue sky for miles.
The fight table would be cloudy platforms.
As for the judgment the air will suddenly shift and the distinct almost metallic smell you sense before a storm will fill the air.  The clouds you're surrounded by would slowly turn black growing and encroaching the loser. Once they are completely enveloped the clouds will discharge lightning throughout the losers body.
As for the talisman it would be the sun shaped charm on my necklace. I'd grasp it and it would glow white then me and my opponent would rush up into the air being lifted by a cloudy platform
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: xateramusa on June 15, 2014, 03:42:25 PM
Mine would be thus.

Name: Rouge Verdant Prison
Description: The setting would be on a wonderfully gardened court yard at sunset with a slight breeze, we'd be surrounded by golden fences that are covered with crawling ivy which bloom with various shades of flowers, most notably red in color and nothing but the sky seemingly all around us. Small marble pillars, covered in climbing roses would jut from the ground and form out a wide enough spot to put one's cards, the 'mat' would be gold inlaid, with green RG circles in the shapes of unopened buds and the VG circle would be an open, red rose circle.
Judgement: Those who would loose would find themselves suddenly caught up in a swirling vortex of harsh, biting, cutting wind, pink and red petals would be fluttering in this vortex, allowing the person to endure the pain smelling and looking beautifully.
Talisman: Small, hanging ruby earrings that are teardrop shaped, I would flick one of them to begin the transportation to the fight field where the other person and I would be swept away in a flurry of rose petals.

sounds like a beautiful prison. especially the judgement
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Mewsic on June 15, 2014, 04:32:42 PM
Mine would be thus.

Name: Rouge Verdant Prison
Description: The setting would be on a wonderfully gardened court yard at sunset with a slight breeze, we'd be surrounded by golden fences that are covered with crawling ivy which bloom with various shades of flowers, most notably red in color and nothing but the sky seemingly all around us. Small marble pillars, covered in climbing roses would jut from the ground and form out a wide enough spot to put one's cards, the 'mat' would be gold inlaid, with green RG circles in the shapes of unopened buds and the VG circle would be an open, red rose circle.
Judgement: Those who would loose would find themselves suddenly caught up in a swirling vortex of harsh, biting, cutting wind, pink and red petals would be fluttering in this vortex, allowing the person to endure the pain smelling and looking beautifully.
Talisman: Small, hanging ruby earrings that are teardrop shaped, I would flick one of them to begin the transportation to the fight field where the other person and I would be swept away in a flurry of rose petals.

sounds like a beautiful prison. especially the judgement

I would take the biting wind anyday to go to that prison. Lol. Never though I would say that...
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Doctor Who on June 16, 2014, 05:17:22 AM
My field would be an shiny sparkling ocean reflecting the full moon and it will be called Aqua Moon Arena.
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Lance Korilum on June 17, 2014, 07:12:29 PM
Hmmm...  My own Prison, huh?

Well, the name would be Frozen Hurricane Prison.  It would, as the name suggest, be in the eye of the storm of a fusion of a hurricane and a blizzard, and the tables would be made of snow, or perhaps just water from the ocean.  What?  If tables made of fire don't burn cards, tables of water are fine.  The Judgement would be a gale-force wind with hail, snow, and and dust encircling the loser.  What do you mean, that would kill them?  So would any of the other Judgements!  Lastly, my talisman.... Hmmm...  I'm not sure XD  I think it'd be a cane.  Functional, and inconspicuous.  Errr...  Probably.  Might be a tad suspicious seeing a teenager walking around with a cane he clearly doesn't need.
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Just on June 17, 2014, 09:33:38 PM

Name: Lucifer's Garden   
The setting is basically as shown in the picture. The area surrounding the two fighters collapses first, giving rise to the steam/lava. Outside of the lava area, large walls of rock would arise so that nobody from the outside could help or interfere from the sides. These walls would be dripping with scorching flame as well. Nothing would cover the top so that the illusion of hope is sustained throughout the battle.
The two fighters would additionally be enclosed in their own bubble that would protect them from the extreme temperatures outside of the bubbles. That is, until the winner is decided.
Judgment: The loser's bubble would pop, which would then render them to the heat. This would in turn cause for the loser to not only pass out due to lack of oxygen because of the heat, but also take small first degree burns :D! (NOTE: SMALL)(Once the loser passes out, the field disappears)

Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: Kayze on June 23, 2014, 09:54:10 PM
Hallo~ New Guy here  :)

Prison Name: Moon Gale Prison
Even my alias is connected to my prison XD im really crazy about wind. seriously i really am. :|

Setting: Grass plain field with Crescent moon at the sky (and its night) :3 and the boundary of the area is a small tornado(ref: whenever cf starts the fight a somewhat gust spins[see picture])
the table is floating and the base of the table is a crescent

Judgement: the gust shrinks around the loser and a tornado will inflict them damage.

Talisman: hmm.... i'd wear a crescent moon necklace and with a grey gem(dunno what kind gem that is but its definitely not diamond :P )
Title: Re: Fight Field Creation!
Post by: BlueDragonz on July 04, 2014, 11:12:17 AM
my prison would be called "The Mythical Prison"
Description:It would be situated at the far end of the world where there once was a flourishing kingdom bright with happy faces until the dragons of doom and destruction came about. The Dragons simply overpowering the measly humans as they have a huge amount of difference in power compared to the tiny weak humans. The Dragons made the land as their home and ever since, it has been a place where none dares speak about.

It became a myth after a decade. But even though you might not believe it.. They do exist the Dragons that will end every single life on the planet.

Many has traveled to this land and till' this day not a single one lives through it to tell the tale. Those people become the food and energy source for the mighty mythical creatures: THE DRAGONS