Area Forum

Battle area => Grade System Event => Grade System Event Version 2 => Topic started by: Zeo ZX on August 08, 2015, 05:11:59 PM

Title: Shadow Zenoheld's Profile
Post by: Zeo ZX on August 08, 2015, 05:11:59 PM
IGN: Zeo ZX.
Character Name: Shadow Zenoheld.
Main Clan: Pale Moon.
Avatar Card: Nightmare Doll, Alice.
Preffered Side: Bad

Biography: Shadow was born in the Kyoto prefecture of Japan where he lived till he was 6 when he had to move in with his Grandfather due to his mum getting sick and eventually succumbing to the disease and dying, Shadow's grandfather taught him to be a doll maker.

Traits: Shadow is calm and rarely gets flustered or annoyed  and even when he is annoyed; he maintains a cool voice (even though he voices his displeasure). Shadow is  a is a lone wolf and always focuses in battles. However, his stamina does have its limits; shown by how he tires after a large amount of constant battling. Shadow sometimes seems to treat his Avatar as if she was flesh and blood.

Appearance: Shadow  is a young looking man with a long blond hair that is often spiked up. His outfit mainly comprises his iconic black mask and black leather coat decorated with red feathers. Underneath, he wears tan pants and Gakuran-like outfit fastened by gold Ouroboros motifs. He also wears ankle-high boots and white gloves.

Likes: Dolls, darkness, the moon, The colours Black and red.

Dislikes: People who think Dolls are creepy or for girls, the sun and  people who are overly friendly.

Hobbies: Doll making and Vanguard.