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Change Log

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Rank Up:

SinonScarlett is banned for a week for disobeying moderator's order (+3 wp).

16. 04. 2015

Changes to chat rules.

"Sluts/Whores" removed from the wording in the description for the "Spamming with links" rule under the chat rules.

New rule added to the the chat rules as a hard offense:

* Inappropriate Content (Content containing any form of nudity, swearing, breaking other chat rules, etc.)
Edit: RebornThunder whom was regularly charged for breaking this rule was given 3 WP and a ban 24 hr ban. Due to this rule having not been formally added into the chat yet, the 3 WP was taken back and ban was lifted. Any actions breaking this rule from here on will now face the consequence of 3 WP.

17. 04. 2015

HayateMitsukishi, the man of many names, has been unbanned, originally being banned for multiple accounts.

FlamingEngin on the WP tracker has been changed to HayateMitsukishi.

HayateMitsukishi has 10 WP, any bad behavior or use of multiple accounts will result in a ban.

HayateMitsukishi's name has been changed to CyberKaiser on the WP/Ban Tracker.

Due to breaking the oath of creating no more alternate accounts, CyberKaiser/HayateMitsukishi has been banned on both the forum and chat.

Not permanently, but for 100 years.


Balkyrie knew the rules and decided to create several accounts under the name BBPlaza and Ceasarilla. She decided to keep Ceasarilla as a permanent name, and has been given 9wp for three separate accounts and a week ban.


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