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That being said I do have some concerns, like is the G zone always going to remain 8 or will it increase now? Also, will Bushi do what Bushi normally does and give some OP/Better secondary mechanic(s) to the 'popular' clans?
I'm hoping All it takes for it is that both are at g3 which would make gb2 raised to reach . I mean most clans considering u have to hold on to a heal it really shouldn't been such a drag to use
Regarding G-Guardians, feverish testing against others and rethinking the game, my question to you cardfight peeps is this:Can Megablast units become relevent once more? Using Legion to recycle the low number Megablast units and GGuards to pick up the slack. I hope i dun did good but instead of making a new topic I posted in one regarding to my question/ suggestion #cherrychan