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Your Clans

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Jai Hearts:
What clans do you use for fun and what clans do you use for serious fights.

my fun clans:
gold paladins gancelot : because there is nothing like gambling with the top deck.
its also the clan i use to train new fighters.

neo nectar musketeers: i have no idea why i love this sub so much, since the day it came out i remember i was one of the few that mained it during capital and it can actually evolve to a serious deck someday soon.

nova grappler blau : let me get this out of the way, i am a gundam fan. and this clan really is freaking fun to use. hopefully they get some more grade 1 support.

serious deck:
genesis minerva: we all have that one standing vanguard deck. this deck is one of the deadliest. when i first made a minerva deck it was almost unstoppable, only killed by luck.

angel father zerachiel: when i first heard a clan of angels was coming to the game i said perfect. kind love/hate how its mostly cleavage filled, but this is a deck i can rely on to come back from almost anything.

gold paladin monarch alfred: this deck was made to kill and that is all you need to

let us know what your mains are and keep that chat friendly and leave some comments.

Ninja Master Z:
well my for fun clans are the nuba, the kumo, and the seal dragons from kagero

when it comes down to srsbsns I plow over everything with daiyusha reverse

[MK Hunter] E.T:
As for Fun fighting I almost use everything, that leats me understand how my Main Deck works.
As for Serious Fighting I use Sin Buster...-Hunter E.T got shot-
I am just kidding guys, I use Great Nature for my serious fights...

Ren «Я»:
Hm for fun
Aqua force - Maelstrom R decks
Spike Brothers
granblue/angel feather etc

Revengers- More precisely Raging form. Unless im using my Dragruler/mordred deck with 4 forms which is also a serious deck with 8 wins so far that i successfully rode form 2x in one battle phase lol.

LJ- Chaos breaker
Nova- Blau's cause we all know the pressure Galaxy can put on oponent entire cf even if u have 4 dmg u cant take another one lol if vg doesnt hit and a rg does dmg u for 5th lol. (mine runs 12 crits soo oponent figures that out pretty fast from early dmg lol)

And of course Minvera lol

katscaps kirisame:
well for fun i'll use any deck but mostly my SOL and shamsiel deck

for serious fight maybe i'll use my yatagarasu deck, but it all depends on my opponent , usually i wont use it


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