Buddyfight Area 1.38
The phases in game are strictly ordered. It means, that you should process through them in an order (you can’t return from Main Phase to Draw Phase).
Space/Scroll click – set your Buddy.
Left click – select a card.
Left click on a slot – move a card there,
Left click on your deck – draw a card.
Left click on a card in Deck, Soul, Drop – select a card. Then, you can send the selected card to any other slot.
Right click on a card – change its state.
Right click on a Deck – select the top card of a Deck. Then, you can send the selected card to any other slot. A card is selected face-down.
Right click on a card in your Deck – select a card face-down.
Some cards have a “Closed Soul”. It means that your opponent can’t look at Soul of that card. Closed Soul icon will be highlighted with a gray color.
There are no flags in this version.
– New cards.
Plans for the future:
-Game log.
-Direct attack mark.(for now, you can select a Buddy to announce your direct attack, or you can just write it on the chat)
-Number of cards in your opponent’s Deck.
-Sleeve change.
-Flag of your Deck.
– Decreasing a number of cards in Deck using Right Click.
Buddyfight Area 1.38: Full version и Update.