Cardfight Area | cardfightwiki


Cardfight Area 4.16

Returned the opportunity to donate to the sleeves. (For the time being, only in this form, there is no other way)


First of all, please note, that this game client is not fully automatic, you need to do most of the actions on your own. Some effects, like power-ups or ride chain effects are automatic, but that’s it. You need to understand the game rules and learn the controls to actually play with this game client.

Main menu:
CFA Main screen
In the picture you can see:
1. Host. You can create your own game room. If you want someone to enter your game room, that person needs your IP address.
2. Test. Test mode where you can test all the control keys or even test your deck, but note, that in this mode there is no opponent. Adding a bot as an opponent is not planned for the foreseeable future.
3. Deck Editor. You can create and/or update your decks here.
4. Load Replay. You can watch replays here. How do you create a replay? When you exit your fight, the system always asks if you want to save the replay. There is a folder called “replays” in your CFA folder. You can also watch someone else’s replays by moving them to the “replays” folder. When you load the replay, the game offers you to choose the speed. You can also pause the replay by pressing the Enter button. Too bad, that there is no exit button, so after watching the replay you need to re-open your game client.
5. Deck Load. This button allows you to load one of your decks. You can see what deck is loaded in the main menu at the top of all buttons.
6. Connect. This is used to connect to the game that was already hosted or to connect to our server. To connect to the server you need to type this IP address – and this port – 14800. If you want to connect to a game created by your friend, you need to enter his/her IP address.
7. Re-update. Click to sync your CFA with the latest updates.
8. What’s new? Hover to see the latest new features of Cardfight Area.

CFA server:
After choosing your character, your character will appear on CFA main server. Use arrows to move. At the picture you can see:
1. That’s what your character looks like. On top of that, you can see, how many players are in your current location. Also, if someone challenges you to a fight, you will see their request pop up here.
2. Chat menu which is seen by all players who are in your current location. Press Enter to open the chat and then hit it again to send a message.
3. Deck Load and Deck Editor buttons, just like the ones in the main menu.
4. Sleeve Select – you can choose your sleeve here. You can buy sleeves or win them in the ice castle location’s lottery.

What does the nickname’s color mean?
White – this means that the target person is not playing the game nor is it watching one. You can challenge them to a fight by clicking their character.
Green – this means that the target person is playing the game. You can watch their game by clicking their character.
Turquoise – this means that the target person is watching someone’s game.

There are seven visible locations on the server: start location, V format location, D (Standard) format location, shop, docks, ice castle, and random room.
V format location. You can only use V format cards in this room. If you try to challenge someone with older or newer cards loaded as your default deck, the game client won’t allow you to do that.
D format location. You can only use Standard format cards in this room.
Random Room. Your deck is randomly created in this room. The 1st card in your currently loaded deck defines what clan will be used to create a random deck.
Ice Castle – the place where you can get sleeves. Every 45 minutes anyone can get one random sleeve from the current sleeve pool (two if there are at least 30 people standing in the room).
There are also two secret rooms on the server, but you need to find them on your own.

Deck Editor:
Use your mouse wheel or keyboard arrows to scroll the cards. You can see two menus here:
1. List of all clans. If you press a clan icon, this menu will appear in closed position. To open it again, you need to click it.
2. Deck editing functions. You can load and save your deck here, create a new deck or go back to the previous menu.
● If you want to add a card to your deck, you need to select it by clicking it with your left mouse button.
● If you want to remove a card from your deck, you need to select it by clicking it with your right mouse button.
● If you want to add a card to your ride deck, you have to hold Ctrl and then click it with your left mouse button.
● You can also search for cards. Hit Enter or click a magnifying glass icon on the bottom bar to open a search prompt. You can search by card name and/or text at the same time. To cancel the search, open the prompt once again but then just hit Enter or OK without entering anything.
● To take a deck screenshot hit S on your keyboard or click a camera icon. You can save the deck in HD or SD quality, but the HD image can be quite large in size and not always suitable for upload (Discord won’t allow it if you’re not subscribed).
● Cards are sorted by their names by default, but you can change that by clicking the downward-pointing arrow with A-Z letters next to it. This will change the sorting of cards to be displayed in order of their addition into CFA (oldest first).
● Buttons from 0 to 5 let you display cards only of the chosen grade. Next to the button you will see a number in blue outline – it indicates how many cards of the chosen grade you currently have in your deck.
● You can change card format by clicking the yellow “P” (Premium-only) icon or by clicking the blue “V” (V-only) icon or the red “D” (Standard-only). Clicking the “A” will reset both the format and the grade filters.
● V format cards are highlighted with a blue frame, and D format cards are highlighted with a red frame.

Playing area:
1. Game chat. You can hit Enter or click it to start typing and then hit Enter to send the message. You can paste text here with Ctrl+V and move your cursor with arrow keys. It also alerts players of some effects like looking at the top of their deck or drawing cards from the bottom. If somebody is using an illegal number of triggers or sentinels, the chat will also let you know at the start of the game.
2. Turn phases. Your phases are located lower than the game chat, and your opponent’s phases are on the top of the game chat. When you click Ride Phase, all your units change their position to stand. When you click End Phase, all your units lose additional power and crits and your G Units return to the G Zone face up. If your opponent is in their Battle Phase and you are not, it lets you do the Damage Checks instead of the default Drive Checks.
3. Bind zone. Left click it to bind the chosen card. Cards are sent there face down by default, or you can hold the Shift key while clicking and send the cards face up. Right-clicking the Bind zone lets you open it. Use your right-click to flip cards inside the Bind Zone.
4. Cards’ control menu. Click on your card to see the list of available actions on top of the card. From this menu, you can send the card to the top or the bottom of the deck, add it to your hand or send it into G Zone. Cards in the Deck can be Legion with and Arms cards in the hand or deck can be Armed.
5. Menu, that allows you to shuffle your deck, to add gauge to one of your units, or use Cradle, to mill the top card of your deck, to do the Soul Charge from the top of your deck, to bind the top card of your deck, to reveal or look at the top of your deck, to shuffle your hand and to return your g-unit from your Vanguard circle to your G Zone. It also lets you change the critical/shield/power value of the units or perform an overDress.
6. Those circles are used to open your main deck and your g-zone deck. Red circle to open your G deck and the blue circle to open your main deck.
7. Quick view of face-up cards in G Zone. You can see your own units on the bottom, and your opponent’s units on the top.
8. RFG zone. This zone is used for cards, that are removed from play. This zone is combined for both players.
9. Ride deck. Four extra slots to put your ride deck into. You can Ctrl+click in the deck editor to add cards to your ride deck, and if you do, they will be automatically moved here at the start of the game.

Control keys:
● Click on any card (except Vanguard) with the left mouse button to select that card. Clicking your opponent’s cards highlights it for them.
● Alt+click on your cards with the left mouse button to highlight effect activation.
● Click on your deck with the left mouse button to draw a card.
● Shift+click on your deck with the left mouse button to draw the bottom card of your deck.
● Click on your deck with the right mouse button to do a Drive Check. If your opponent is in Battle Phase and you are not, your Drive Check is replaced with Damage Check.
● Click on your deck with the mouse wheel to look at cards from the top of your deck.
● Ctrl+click on your deck with the left mouse button to open your deck. While you have your deck open, your opponent sees your deck in green with the number of cards you’re looking at.
● Shift+click on your deck with the left mouse button to draw the bottom card of your deck.
● Ctrl+click on your or your opponent’s Vanguard with the left mouse button to open the soul.
● Click on your drop zone with the right mouse button to open your drop zone.
● Click on your Vanguard or Rear-guard with the right mouse button to change that unit’s position.
● Click on a card in your Damage/Bind Zone with the right mouse button to flip it.
● Ctrl+сlick your rearguard with the left mouse button to lock or unlock it.
● Move your cursor over your Vanguard + press Delete key to delete your Vanguard.
● Click on a unit with your mouse’s wheel/move your cursor to your unit and click Space to increase or decrease that unit’s power.
● Press Alt+Enter or F4 to go in or out of fullscreen mode.
● Press Ctrl+Q to open the game log or just Q to open the game log while your chat is not open.
● Press Ctrl+Shift+S to save the log while in the game.
● Press S to save the deck screenshot while in the deck editor.
● Press Enter to type in a chat message, then press it again to send it.
● Press Ctrl+V in chat to paste the text.
● Press Ctrl+C to copy the card name that’s currently displayed on the right-hand side of the screen. Press Ctrl+Shift+C to copy its ID.
● Press Ctrl or Esc to close your deck/soul/drop zone.

4.13 Changelog:

– New engine that fixes a lot of the memory issues regarding mass sprite loading, a little bit faster game loading, and less lag
– Drajeweled’s “Cross Persona Ride” mechanic support
– Monster Strike’s “Gacha Redora” can now be added as a fifth card to the ride deck
– New Pickup Gacha and Event icons
– Deck Editor now lets you change the ride deck seamlessly, even after you’ve built a full deck; holding CTRL no longer prevents adding cards in to the normal deck
– A little bit of Halloween decorations in the spawn room!
– Legion with stride card sprite overlay bug is now fixed
– Support for card removal from the database

– We no longer publish a list of new cards on this page. For new cards refer to sorting cards by date added in the deck editor.
> Previous Cardfight Area Patch Notes

Cardfight!! Area 4.16: Full versionImageless. Alternative links: Full versionImageless;
Warning: Imageless version does not have card images and it will take some time to download them.
If you have an old version you can just copy CardSprite and CardSpriteMini2 folders into Imageless version and it will shorten download time.

Japanese card images~