Cardfight Area Patch Notes | cardfightwiki

Cardfight Area Patch Notes:

4.16 – The last resort

– Button to open soul that also tracks the card total
– Power and Shield buttons have now been updated. The top halves of each button increase or decrease by 1000 when left clicking or right clicking respectively. The bottom halves do the same for increments of 5000. Middle clicking the button will now give you a prompt asking how many increments of +1000 you would like to increase by.
– Cards in ride deck can now be flipped by Ctrl + left click
– Cards in the opponent’s ride deck now have the same card back as their other cards
– The Guardian Shield and 20000 Quick Shield tickets now stay revealed to the opponent while in hand
– In Deck Editor, there is now a button for adding cards to the ride deck. While it’s on, any card clicked will be moved to the ride deck. (Does not include setting the Over Trigger as a starter, please set it from the start of the deck building if you wish to use it as such)
– “Zeroth Dragon of Destroy Star, Stark” is now in the clans “The Mask Collection”, “Etranger” and “Iconic”
– “Zeroth Dragon of Zenith Peak, Ultima” is now in the “Iconic” clan
– “Progenitor Dragon of Horizon Limit, Origorem” is now in the clans “The Mask Collection” and “Etranger”

4.15 – Final Masquerade

– New deck builder feature: Deck Preview Bar where you can take a quick glance at your deck. It is always open by default but you can minimize it by clicking a small tag above the bar
– Deck builder now displays quantities of cards in a slightly different style
– Before the game, main deck is now loaded in a specific order, as it is displayed in the deck bar: first comes EITHER the Ride Deck OR all non-trigger Grade 0 cards, then all triggers regardless of their Grade, then all the other grades from lowest to highest. Cards are sorted by number inside their respective Grade (except for non-Trigger Grade 0 cards, their order can be changed freely to set up a proper Starting Vanguard). G deck will not be sorted in any fashion.
– New splashscreen
– Search cards in deck editor and deck using apostrophes symbol (') now works correctly
– Fixed a bug when switch between light and dark did not change the text background until a new card was hovered
– Fixed a bug when text would flick in deck editor when hovering over a new card
– Fixed one of the bugs when CFA would output “Disconnected” and fail to re-update (it might still fail to re-update, but hopefully less frequent now)
– Fixed potential memory leaks when re-updating
– Further improvements to red highlighted text detection algorithm
Import from EN Deck Log. This lets you import decks via a third party tool. It is known to work for most decks but it does incorrectly match or omit some cards from time to time (ones that have different versions with the same name), please be sure to double-check your deck after import
– Fix a tip text about OT activation in ride deck not showing
– Grade 4 cards are no longer being displayed as if they were in the Ride Deck
– Thegrea’s “one way Cross Persona Ride” support
– Armed Arms support
– New sleeves
– Support for the new Touken Ranbu “Training Tools” order
– You can add any non-Kiwame card as your fifth card if you use “Training Tools” as your Grade 3 card in the ride deck
– Ability of Training Tools will automatically give you a race-based crest when you put it into soul. Be sure to ride first to get the correct crest.
– Fixed a “Trying to draw non-existing surface” bug
– Power bonus for Persona Ride is now applied to Armed Arms and Legion as well
– Experimental feature – add syntax highlight for legacy Russian text files
– When opponent’s stride is returned, their vanguard becomes inactive
– Support for Thai-only clans. Mask Collection and the rest of the Thai Clans are all compiled under one banner, from which the specific clan can be selected
– The “BanG Dream!” collab cards can be used in the deckbuilding process of “Animation” clan decks
– Support for Thai-only +20000 Quick Shield. Riding over a V Series Grade 0 will now give you the option of which Quick Shield to add going 2nd
– Quick Shield can now be added in Test Room as well
– Force I Marker now gives power to Legion Mate as well

4.14 – Wise Mystical Tree

– Added support for Dragontree markers.
– Fixed a number of Treasures marker related bugs.
– Removed visual gap between the first two different kinds of markers gained by a circle.
– Markers are now displayed and removed/transferred consistently among different players’ circles
– New feature – search by card name/text in a currently open zone. To use it, click a magnifying glass icon in the top left corner of a zone view OR hit Ctrl+F while a zone is open. Cards you searched for will be highlighted among others.
– Updated icon for closing a zone view.
– Ctrl key no longer closes or cancels anything. Please use Escape key instead.
– Support for new plant gauge mechanic. Use corresponding button to convert existing Plant tokens into plant gauge OR create new gauge if a token is not selected – this works for any kind of Plant tokens.
– Support for calling tokens upon ride AUTO abilities
– You can press Ctrl+F in Deck Editor to open search as well
– The text and art of all Markers and Tokens have been revised
– Fixed a newly introduced bug when critical counter would be hidden by multiple kinds of markers
– Auto update for sleeves
– Support for in-text trigger icons
– Support for cards over Grade 5 in the Deck Editor

4.13 – Monster Ride

– New engine that fixes a lot of the memory issues regarding mass sprite loading, a little bit faster game loading, and less lag
– Drajeweled’s “Cross Persona Ride” mechanic support
– Monster Strike’s “Gacha Redora” can now be added as a fifth card to the ride deck
– New Pickup Gacha and Event icons
– Deck Editor now lets you change the ride deck seamlessly, even after you’ve built a full deck; holding CTRL no longer prevents adding cards in to the normal deck
– A little bit of Halloween decorations in the spawn room!
– Legion with stride card sprite overlay bug is now fixed
– Support for card removal from the database

4.12 – Dress to Impress

– Ctrl+Shift+C now lets you copy card image index (starting with “n”)
– “Always update to the latest images” function now works correctly
– 1/Fight, RevolDress and X-overDress icon support + new English overSoul icon
– Multiple improvements to red text highlight algorithm
– Ability to reveal bottom card by holding shift and left clicking the “reveal” button
– Ability to announce an effect by highlighting your own cards. To do that, hold Alt and click the card. Only works with cards that are in play
– New loading screen
– Ability to change card order in Deck Editor. Now you can sort by order of addition (i.e. by internal card ID) or by name in alphabetical order (which is the default setting). To change the default setting to always show the oldest added first, add a new lineSortByNumber=1 to Setting.ini just before [Secret]

4.11 – Locked and Loaded

– New automated effects for specific Record of Ragnarok cards
– Mutant Gentleman, High Class Moth is now considered being a grade 3 while in the deck
– Thegrea’s “Cross Persona Ride” mechanic
– You can now remove markers from an accel circle, but you have to remove a unit on that circle first and then right click it
– If you delete an accel circle, its markers are automatically removed
– New tool to bulk update images much faster (update speed depends on your internet connection quality and HDD/SSD write speed)

4.10 – If Doomsday is Coming

– Record of Ragnarok auto update system integration
– Glitter and Volund card icons
– Choosing to create 0 tokens does not let you choose the token type anymore
– Tokens are now removed from game instead of being put into drop zone
– Empty cards will not spawn anymore if you have no cards in deck
– Small ipmprovements to robustness of auto update system
– Add Thegrea CONT Persona Ride skill support
– Increase max allowed quantity of RoR triggers to 8

4.09 – Lyrical Smile

– Fixed a bug where opponent’s deck would become invisible
– Locking a unit causes its additional power to reset
– Gear Puppy Protecting Memories is now considered a grade 4 in the bind zone
– Visual improvements to mouse cursor
– Changed appearance of banned and restricted plaques in deck builder
– Fixed a bug where “number of cards in originalDress” label would not disappear upon closing the overdress view
– Fixed a bug where some card movements would still use precise animations even if you turned them off
– Fixed a bug where attacking from the back row would make cards in order/ride deck zone rotate as well
– Fixed a bug where attacking from the back row would make cards rest and stand simultaneously
– Minor performance improvements
– You can now change fullscreen mode via Alt+Enter as well as F4

4.08 – Stuck in Reverse

– Automatic update system
– Number of cards in Prison and number of originalDresses is now visible
– New counter of the sum of face-up cards’ grades in bind
– Vairina Esperaridea skill is now automated
– Future multi-nation card support

4.07 – Fly Me to the Moon

– Cards in damage and music orders are now facing the right way.
– New button for future Record of Ragnarok nation support.
– New DressBoost keyword icon.
– Option to turn off the following extended animations: ride visual effect, card rotation, precise card movement.
– Option to save deck image at HD as well as SD quality.

4.06 – Armed & Dangerous

– Arms mechanic support.
– Huge card database overhaul. All clans except collab ones were checked to have their latest names and images.
– Premium-only, V Premium-only, Standard-only filters.
– Improved search in deck editor – it is no longer case-sensitive and applies by only showing filtered cards, until you switch clans or cancel it.
– Card texts now look just like on actual printed cards – with styles and icons too. This can be turned off.
– Deck screenshot now uses hi-res images; deck list is saved as names and quantities only. Now there is also a button to save them.
– Ability to Legion with Strides.
– Improved certain in-game actions performance, this might fix a number of card duplication-related bugs.
– Units can no longer overdress themselves (which made it hide under that circle overdress slot).
– Fixed a couple of bugs related to G-Assist.
– Fixed a bug when loading too many sprites in deck editor crashed the game.
– Chat box inupt no longer overflows with text.
– Pressing CTRL+V lets you copy chosen card name.
– CardSpriteMini folder is not needed anymore, you can delete it.

4.05 – I got what they waiting for

– Smoother card movement animations
– “Background scroll” key command (A) has been removed
– “Save log” key command has been moved to CTRL+S
– Fixed a bug when zone view windows could not be opened on top of each other and you had to close one first
– “Attack from the back row” function performance have been improved. The function is still in BETA.
– ESC key now first closes in-game windows, then cancels card/crit/shield/power selection, and only then it asks you if you would like to quit. It doesn’t close the game without asking anymore
– Bug fix: CTRL key now cancels card selection as well.
– Units in overDress state now move along with their originalDress units into most zones, except Vanguard circle, Ride Deck and Order slots. When put into Guardian circle originalDress units go into Drop Zone as a shortcut (they should technically stay associated as originalDress until the end of damage step of that battle)
– BETA: Automated G-Assist. The button will only appear at the start of your ride phase if conditions for G-Assisting are met
– If your opponent uses more than a legal number of a particular trigger OR sentinel it will be shown in chat (e.g. standard 8 trigger limit)
– New Help section is now bundled with Area along with a button that opens it in your browser
– Right clicking a card in soul puts it into drop (e.g. soul blast)
– You can now have cards in bind face-up as well. To flip a card in bind, right click it. To send a card to bind face-up, hold shift while doing so
– In-game window and crits no longer stay when you enter a new game
– Fixed a bug when your card descriptions in deck editor would be overridden by a delete effect from your last game
– Circle markers no longer stack on top of each other and overlap crits — if you have more then one marker, it shows how many of each do you have as a number

4.04 – Ra-ra-rasputin

– Existing Russian translations are now moved into a separate package, no new translations will be added in the future, you can now just delete the TextRu folder
– More visual improvements
– BETA: New button to make an attack from the back row. It will be only displayed for cards that can possibly have such attack
– Cleaner search card by auto effect (for new Lyrical Monasterio cards as well)
– Search card by auto effect doesnt crash if your deck is too small anymore
– Fixed a bug where cards could get duplicated in Ride Deck zone
– Imaginary Gift sound will no longer play when youre in silent mode
– Non-heal Grade 3 triggers are no longer legal in V-Premium

4.03 – I was a king under your control

– New characters
– New sleeves
– Sounds
– Settings button in the top left corner to change your resolution / turn off sound
– Saving and loading decks now uses Windows file explorer
– Characters show their name when hovered
– Search button in Deck Editor
– New buttons to buff an entire row or all your Units
– Updated english arts

4.02 – The Touken Strikes Back

– Auto move to ride deck. You can ctrl+click in deck editor to add cards to the ride deck (first four cards of the main deck). At the beginning of the fight, if the first four cards of your deck are exactly grade 0-3 cards, they will be moved to the ride deck.
– Look at top X cards of your deck by right-clicking “Reveal Top Deck” button or by middle-clicking your deck (opponent will not be able to see it).
– Dark mode in fight.


— New clan icons, new in fight icons, markers (cradle, gauge, overdress) and stage were redesigned too.
— Start location was redesigned.
— New fighting field. !!! If you are using some custom fighting field, just dont update it if you dont want to lose it.
— In game chat was updated a lot, now you can paste the text there, you can scroll the chat and you can put the cursor wherever you want in text.
— Persona ride was coded. Now when you do a persona ride your front row gets +10000 until the end of turn.
— Critical markers were added.
— Now forest is D-format area. Also you once again can only use V-cards in old V-room.


— New cards.
— Nations were added to the deck editor.
— There are 4 new little circles under your deck zone, thats your ride deck zone. When you enter the fight, open your deck, choose 4 cards and drag them to those circles. Opponent cant see those cards.
— Above your dmg zone there are also new little circles, thats a new zone for set orders. When u activate a set order card, choose that card then click on that new circle. Card will be moved to the new zone and a little button will appear below it. If you need to use the prison mechanic, choose your card, then LMB. If you need to see cards that are imprisoned, RMB.
— When u need to use overDress mechanic, choose the card you want to call, then click new overDress button, then choose one of your rearguards.
— New 1 000 000 triggers.